The gospel of Jesus Christ is for everyone!
And especially everyone who WANTS to receive the good news…
(heart) Jesus is our Savior and Redeemer and that He offers us eternal happiness!
People do not know if they WANT the gospel in their lives unless we invite them to come and SEE, come and HEAR, come and LEARN, and come and BELONG!
An invitation isn’t a demand, it is an OFFERING.
Perhaps you can think about it like offering someone a ticket to a concert.
Maybe they love the person singing in concert and are thrilled with the opportunity to go.
Maybe they’ve never heard of them before and don’t really care.
Maybe they WOULD love them if they were introduced to the music more.
No matter the outcome…
If they don’t know it’s available, how will they be able to accept it or reject it?
Likewise, our job is to offer the gospel’s good news to everyone…
To introduce them to the idea, the lifestyle, the people, etc.
Maybe they grow into loving it as much as we do, maybe they don’t.
We just keep offering it over and over again.
Whether or not they accept it is up to them.
Our hope is that they will come to know us, like the lifestyle we present, and trust that this path will lead to everlasting happiness.
It’s also okay to offer parts of the gospel in smaller amounts… (it can be overwhelming all at once to some – follow the spirit).
Like one time you offer genuine friendship, then a Book of Mormon, then and invitation to a church event or meeting, etc.
Offer, offer, offer –
And live your life in a way that is a constant invitation to join the lifestyle you love – centered on Jesus Christ!
–After every post I OFFER you a chance to ask questions, act in some way, or message me for more information with your concerns. If you’d like help, I’m still here, willing and waiting to help any of you who want it.
As we talk about the Work of Salvation and Exaltation…
It’s interesting to me that we begin with working on ourselves by “LIVING the gospel of Jesus Christ.”
We work towards our own salvation, then we teach these principles to others so they can work on their own salvation.
As they work on their salvation we “CARE for them,” and “INVITE them to keep coming back” for more learning and belonging.
To finally arrive at UNITING as brothers and sisters in Zion and eternity!
Ultimately we gather together a group of people willing to live God’s laws because we have BECOME His children and chosen His lifestyle.
This is how we build Zion in these latter-days.
–Join my facebook page “Women Building Zion Homes.”