Ask you Brain to work for You

Step 2: Ask for it!

Let’s look at some thinking errors that keep us from asking…

Myth 1: if “we believe that God is in charge, and it is up to Him if we are to have something [and] we believe that what we want may not be in harmony with what God wants for us…

[then] we don’t want to take the risk of asking amiss. 

[But] what if God trusted us and gave us full reign to create whatever we choose for our experience?” –Carol Tuttle

If you are person who is truly striving to listen to the voice of the Lord, even imperfectly, trust that you will see and make any course corrections you need to as you work to manifest the things you want.

Myth 2: Sometimes we look at the reality of our situation and decide it’s not possible, so why ask for it.

When we think receiving what we want only relies on us and what we can do, we doubt.

And doubt messes with the energy of manifesting.

Instead, have a conversation with the Lord about it.

Don’t beg or plead, just ask with faith that it will come to you, nothing doubting, nothing wavering (James 1:6-8)

Then show your faith, by showing your brain WHAT you want…

And a fantastic tool to use for this is Vision Boards.


Your brain is always working…

The upper brain is the conscious part of your brain. 

It’s the one that takes in all the information coming in around you and makes quick decisions on what to do.

What to make for dinner.

How to solve that math problem.

If you are going to work out or eat another cookie (the cookie wins for me…maybe while I’m walking).

And it gets tired! 

It needs a break when you’ve been working on an assignment for a while, so you go get a snack from the fridge.

It needs to stretch and go for a walk when you’ve been looking at the computer too long.

It needs to rest at night, and let the lower brain process all the information from the day.

Your lower brain, however, is the subconscious part of your brain.

It keeps you breathing without having to think, “breath in, breath out” every few seconds.

It notices how your clothes feel on your body and only alerts you if something doesn’t feel right.


It works on “how” to bring the things you want/need to you, while you are sleeping!

Have you ever noticed if you make a list of things to get done before bed, your day tends to just flow from one activity to the next smoothly the next day… (well, that’s if you don’t have little kids or teenagers interrupting that smooth process) – lol!

It’s because your lower brain works out the details while you are sleeping, causing less work for your upper brain during the day… (until someone calls your name and needs your help, to which your brain makes a quick readjustment–lol).

All reality aside J

Your lower brains job is to figure out the HOW…

How to get that next raise.

How to show more love to that child.

How to get all the work done in such a short amount of time.

What we need to do is show it WHAT we want.

And one of the best tools to show it this, is a Vision Board.

Too many of us spend our days figuring out HOW to get what we need to come to us, but our job is to show it WHAT we want…

Then act when we receive inspired thoughts, without questioning them.

Vision Boards

Your brain is miraculous, and the most advanced supercomputer ever built.

It is a gift from a loving Heavenly Father, and He wants you to use it to bless your life and the lives of others.

While declarations work the left sides of our brains with data and words…

If you are looking to boost your life and get past your RAS system even more…

Let’s tap into the right side of your brain, the creative and picture-oriented side.

A vision board is a tool to help keep your hope, dreams, wishes, and goals in the subconscious part of your brain actively figuring out HOW to bring those things to you.

A vision board is used to show your brain more evidence of the life you want.

Remember, your brain works with evidence.

If you put something in sight of your eyes, even if you do not look at it, your brain will register that it is there and that you are hoping for those things to become true in your life.

This could be an item you want, or a vacation you’ve dreamed of, or a relationship you want to improve, etc.

Visualization helps us “emotionalize” and change our thought patterns. 

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