Advertising and Inviting

While studying advertising one day I came across some fantastic statistics that I think are applicable to inviting all to receive the gospel of Jesus Christ…

Did you know that people need to see something 7-12 times before they buy the product or sign up for the class, etc.

Sometimes they need to see it that many times to decide they really do what to experience whatever is being offered after all…

Think about it…

In this busy world I know I need to see things multiple times before I REMEMBER to act (like flyers for a PTA fundraiser, or a text reminder of an activity, or a billboard I drive by often to remind of something…

That is why our fridges are covered in REMINDERS!

We might get sick of all the advertising we are exposed to, but it serves a useful purpose…

To remind us – that the invitation to “the product or class” is still available…

Whenever you get around to wanting or needing it. (smile)

So it is with offering the gospel to others.

If you have offered the good news of the gospel one time…

DO IT AGAIN! (and in several different ways)

If you do it with love and are not pushy, one of those times they are likely to say yes!

If you “feel like you are nagging,” check to see if that is Satan’s way of getting you to stop asking.

This “advertising” can look like normal and natural life, for example:

Be friendly and helpful, often…

Build a relationship with people in your neighborhood or at work…

Then it won’t feel like nagging or bothering them anymore, it’s just friendly interactions.

Offer tidbits of what you are learning about the gospel into your conversations.

Find out what they like to do and if there is an activity going on around that; invite them to come.

Find normal and natural ways to bring Jesus Christ into your conversations…

Really you are just sharing your life and life-style with them.

If they like you and engage, build on that relationship.

If they avoid you or turn away, still look for opportunities to build the relationship when it feels right, but also pray they will find the right person they will connect with.

You do not have to be, nor will you be, the right person for everyone to come unto the gospel.

–In these posts I advertise a unique perspective of the gospel of Jesus Christ, through the lens of a life coach.  It’s a reminder a couple of times a week to live the gospel of Jesus Christ and to offer more help from me.  If you are ever interested in more depth, message me.

the KNOW, LIKE and TRUS factor…

We are often cautious and uncertain about what is being offered us because we don’t KNOW the person, LIKE them or TRUST them…yet!

Knowing about others helps us decide whether we want to like them and trust what they say or do.

That is why being a good neighbor, friend or co-worker is important.

We build the KNOW, LIKE and TRUST factor by…

Reaching out to others and get to know them in simple ways, like…

Helping them with the yard work, talking to them when you are walking by, and asking about their day and their life.

As we help and talk, we build connections…

Connections build relationships…

Healthy relationships build trust.

Engaging in building relationships is one of the most important things we will ever do in this life.

But it takes time and effort – be willing to engage in that time and effort.

As they come to know you, hopefully they will LIKE what they see…

And if they like what they see, they will begin to TRUST your words and actions. 

Perhaps they might be interested in seeing, hearing, and learning more about why you live the way you do…

When you ask them about gospel subjects, they will be more likely to trust you and give you an honest answer.

This a wonderful “normal and natural” way to share the gospel with those around us.

–Through these bite-size bits of wisdom, I hope you have come to know, like and trust me.  I assume you do as you keep reading these.  If you’d like more help with these ideas, message me.

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