Anxiety Help

Anxiety from the perspective of “thought work” and “emotional resilience”…

There are many things that cause stress and anxiety in our lives. 

Mental illnesses, chemical imbalances, high stress situations, trauma, etc.

To be clear I do not mean to minimize this in any way, nor am do I mean to minimize doctor or therapeutic care.

If this is what you need please know I support and love you!

For the purposes this month, however, I’m going address anxiety from MY area of expertise…


Though this may not cover all circumstances in life, you may learn a thing or two that might help you.


First off, anxiety is a “buzz word” in our current society.

It’s used as a blanket word, meaning it seems to cover all possible circumstances relating to many different emotions.

Ten years ago it was not part of our common vocabulary, but today we use it all the time.

Sometimes it gets misused and abused as people lump all different emotions in to this one word…


When your mind is constantly being reminded about anxiety…

It tells the brain to look for and find more ways anxiety shows up in your life.

The mind will find what it’s focused on.

And without a clear definition of what anxiety is to you, or other’s speaking about it – things can get confusing quickly.


Let’s describe a few other words…

STRESS: is a normal part of life, and is how we often respond to challenges we face. 

The right amount of stress can help motivate you to focus, work on goals, or protect you when in danger.

For example: a deadline to a project might give you some stress, but it also can help you stay focused and motivated.

Too much stress can cause you to get sick, have headaches, be angry, or feel overwhelmed – to name a few.

If you procrastinated that project, the extra stress could lead to feelings overwhelmed and anxiety.

Too much stress can lead to anxiety.

WORRY: is also a normal part of life.  Worry can cause us to be curious, ask questions, or take other actions. 

Too much worry, however, also leads to anxiety.

Stress, worry and anxiety share many of the same symptoms…

ANXIETY, however, hangs around for a while even after the circumstances have changed.

Learning to recognize what you are feeling (by another name other than anxiety) and take steps to manage that in healthy ways, can reduce the amount of time anxiety hangs around.

People who experience chronic anxiety often use these mindful ideas in addition to the medication or other things they are doing to help. You can to, no matter your anxious state.

–If you are struggling to manage this in healthy ways, I can help!  In fact, I’d love to.  Please message me and we can talk – it will help so much! Or sign up for a FREE 30 minute mini session HERE.

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