Anxiety Tip: Be Present

Being present is one of the best tools you can learn to calm anxiety no matter which primary emotion led to it.

Being present takes you away from the past (experiences, emotions, thoughts, etc.)

And helps you not worrying about the future…

It brings you into the HERE and NOW!  And only now!

Here is a wonderful mindfulness exercise that can be very calming, healing, and centering to you if you find yourself feeling anxious (tweak to your liking).

  1. Sit in a comfortable place where you can let everything go for a few minutes.  Close your eyes.

I’ve done this in bed, on a chair, on a blanket in the sun, even in the car (not while driving) to get away from the noise at my house.

2. Begin taking several long slow breaths; in through your nose and out through your mouth.  Find a gentle natural rhythm for you.

If your mind wanders while you do this, don’t worry about it – it’s normal.  If you get distracted that’s normal to – just gently bring yourself back to breathing. 

Notice your thoughts, feelings, and sensations.  Observe them without trying to control them or judge them.  Your brain is likely sorting all the input it’s had.  Bring your attention back to your breathing; it is an anchor for you.

3. Allow the distractions, thoughts, feelings, and sensations to pass by you like clouds in the sky.

4. You can do this for 3 minutes or 15 minutes, it’s up to you, and may change depending on the situation.  Whenever you decide to end, slowly allow your attention to expand and notice your body and your surroundings again.

5. Rate your anxiety on a scale from 1-10…do you feel better?

When I started doing this, it took 20+ minutes for my brain to settle down.  As I’ve practiced over the years I can settle it down in less than 3 minutes.  This simple exercise has become one of my best go to’s for anxiety.  Try it and see!

–If you’d like more help dealing with anxiety, or discovering the primary emotions that come up most for you, sign up for FREE 30 minute mini session HERE and we’ll see how I can help you get started in recovering. 

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