Balance * Movement * Comfort

Balance and movement

If you have a goal, this requires movement…

Standing firmly on two legs, unmoving will not get you there…

In fact, perfect balance hinders movement…

Imagine standing at the edge of a beautiful field of flowers…

And on the other side is a shining tree with the most delicious fruit swaying in the breeze.

You want to experience the flowers and get to the tree to taste the fruit.

Stepping into the field requires that you leave your perfectly balanced position, on two legs…

For a more precarious journey, moving one foot to the point where you might tip over…

Then placing that foot down and picking up the other foot, swinging it forward until you almost tip over the other way.

(You’ve seen babies learn to walk and they are all wabbly, right?)

As we practice swinging our weight from side to side we create a new kind of balance…

A balance that works well with movement.

In time we learn a ‘moving balance’ that serves us well as we set and achieve new goals.

Moving Balance and comfort

Let’s go back to our field of flowers and beautiful tree as our goal…

As you swing one foot forward and then the other, achieving ‘moving balance’…

What happens if you step in a hole or trip over a fallen branch? 

What if you fall over because you got off balance?

Just the idea sounds uncomfortable, even dangerous…

In order to move FORWARD in life, we must leave our perfectly balanced and comfortable position, for a more unbalanced movement (at first)…

Yet, a rhythmic, balanced walk, though treacherous at times, is the one that will help you enjoy the flowers and get your goal. 

It may be uncomfortable at first, but you’ll become accustomed to the rocky ground and overcome the fear and anxiety of each step as you keep swinging one foot in front of the other.

In time you will achieve a new, comfortable, ‘moving balance.’

–If you struggle with achieving goals, sign up for a FREE mini session HERE.  I can guide you through the process of setting and achieving goals INCLUDING getting through the uncomfortable parts!!  Let’s talk!

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