Becoming Peacemakers

In our last general conference President Nelson spoke of overcoming the natural mans tendency to be contentious and asked us to become peacemakers.

As I’ve pondered this, I’ve discovered it’s really easy to read the talks and quotes and assume you are doing a good job – after all, it’s not us that needs to repent and change, right?

But here’s the truth … becoming a peacemaker takes mental, emotional, and spiritual effort.

It suggests that we take a deeper look inside ourselves and see our faults and weaknesses, and then make a plan to change (which we know will not be easy or fun at first, in fact, it will likely be difficult and we’ll experience some negative emotions as we make the change).

Who wants to do that?

We’d much rather keep on contending that we are right and they are wrong, or make sure we have the last word.

If you really want to become a peacemaker though, you’ll be willing to strengthen the way you think and feel about things, while at the same time practice expressing those things with love, patience, and compassion.

You’ll have to let go of some ideas, like, “in order to hold my boundaries I have to speak and make my opinion heard.”

Or, “I MUST make a stand and set the record straight, in this moment.”

Or, “They need to know that was wrong, immediately.”

If you want to try…

Join me this month as we walk through the internal processes of becoming peacemakers.

–references are from Pres. Nelson, April 2023, ”Peacemakers Needed.”


“Make no mistake about it: contention is evil!” –Pres. Nelson

That’s a bold statement!  However…

Satan knows if he can drive a small wedge between people, the natural man, will be stubborn instead of humble.   The natural man will hold a grudge instead of forgive.  The natural man will want to be right more than being understanding of others opinions (even if you don’t agree).

As the natural man dwells on these things, and finds more evidence to support their opinions and ideas…

That small wedge will eventually split the large, stable log, AKA the people.

And split, the people will destroy themselves; through gossiping, back biting, and advocating against one another.

Confrontation is NOT the way to resolve differences; … “it never is.”

In fact, “Contention drives away the spirit – every time.”

And without the spirit, who testifies of truth, we cannot even be persuasive.

Furthermore, “contention is a choice”… as is being a peacemaker.

In every circumstance you get to choose…

Even if people are not responding kindly back, you still get to choose what you will think and how you will feel.

Practicing ways to respond kindly will challenge you mentally, but the Savior will help you as you reach out for His help.

In fact, “the Savior’s Atonement made it possible for us to overcome all evil – including contention.”

With His help we can remove contention from our hearts, homes, and daily lives.

We can lock Him out of our hearts and minds and usher in the Lord’s second coming.

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