Believe the Impossible Until it’s Possible

Many years ago I was looking at my current circumstances with great despair.  Things had not worked out the way I thought they would, and I was very discouraged, resentful and even angry.

It was at the beginning of my personal development journey and I was trying to learn, but the amount of mental an emotional effort was exhausting.

Learning to reprogram you brain takes time and effort.

I had been studying this word…


I wanted to believe that things could be better and turn around, but all the evidence, blaring in bold letters, told me it wasn’t working out.

How do you BELIEVE when all the evidence in your life is the opposite of what you want?

Practice, practice, practice!

Over the years I have consistently practiced this idea of BELIEVING…

I have read several books and listened to coaches and mentors…

I experimented with their statements and ideas, and …

Things started to change, and has ultimately become “what I wanted!”

Now, practicing BELIEVING is a fun game I play all the time.

This month I would like to share ways you can practice believing, even when things don’t seem to be working out…

I promise it’s worth the effort to practice this life skill!  You won’t’ regret it.


What is belief?

A belief is a thought…

A thought sends out a vibration or wavelength…

These vibrations are neutral.

And simply follow the laws of energy and vibration…

What you send out, comes back to you.

Good thoughts attract goodness.

Bad thoughts attract not nice-ness.

Because we get to choose our thoughts, we can manage what we want to experience in our lives, often.

That’s encouraging…

But if your life hasn’t gone the way you thought it would, take a look at your most common thoughts, and where you put your energy….hum…

What have you been thinking, focusing, worrying, and obsessing over…

Is that what you really want?

If it’s not, it’s time to shift your focus and thoughts on what you do want and BELIEVE it’s possible for you to have them.


Belief Requires Some Faith

Perhaps, what you really want…

Seems so impossible you just don’t see how it’s possible?

That is where FAITH comes in.

Faith is believing in something you can’t see, or don’t have evidence for yet.

However, our brains are looking for evidence first, before we believe. 

It wants to be reassured that it will be safe for us to want that.

Since we can’t give our brain the evidence first, we have to figure out how to have faith and believe WITHOUT evidence.

When you BELIEVE in the impossible anyway, you feel better, and you’re more likely to take actions that will bring you closer to making the impossible – possible.

See how that works…

Thoughts create à Feelings, and feelings drive à Actions, and actions à give us Results

If you think it’s impossible, you’ll stay sad or unmotivated, and then you’ll do nothing.

But if you BELIEVE it might be possible, you’ll find hope, and take actions that could make it more possible.

This takes effort, metal and emotional effort, and practice.

Here are some tools to help you work on your belief…

–In the next few posts I’ll share some ways I’ve practiced increasing my ability to believe.  Take your brain to the “mind gym” with me and let’s do some work.

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