Building Our Nest

I looked out my window this morning and watched in wonder as a bird worked to create a nest.  It hopped around carrying a twig, piece of cloth, or grass clippings in its beak.  Then it ducked its head and fit the piece into the nest; intertwining it with the other bits. 

It cocked its head, inspecting its handy work, and flew off to find another piece to add to the nest.

As I watched, I thought, “Isn’t this what we do as mothers?”

Bit by bit, piece by piece we add things, people and experiences to our lives to create a nest.  Things like: fun holiday traditions, scripture study, prayer, favorite dinners, time spent together, encouragement, inspiration, daily schedules, systems of activities, etc. 

Each little piece ads up to create our “nest.”

Recently I started doing a morning devotional (this idea came as a prompting, when I was praying about how I could help my kids feel motivated in the morning).

It’s not super fancy, or planned.  In fact, my kids are all in their pj’s (at 9:00am) and often look blurry eyed.

To be honest, I just feel scatter brained.  “What am I going to share today?” is my question every morning as I lay in bed. 

There is no plan or organized system (maybe someday).

However, I love it when I find a plan someone else has put together (bonus).  Like the week before Easter, “Don’t Miss This” podcast, put together a daily walk leading to Easter.  I just followed their plan–easy!!

Other times I have opened my scriptures and shared a verse that stuck out to me as I studied.  Or an inspiring story I heard.

Recently I signed up to get an email from an affiliated church website.  It has a quick story, a 1-2 minute video, and a scripture.

Our devotional takes about 5 minutes (any longer and the kids disconnect and get restless, or go back to sleep).  

A couple of my teens get it through osmosis I think.  My younger kids pester the closest person next to them the entire time.  Can you relate?

Then we say a family prayer. 

After 6 weeks I asked how they liked it and I was pleasantly surprised.  They had a unanimous response from kids and my teenagers, huh!?!

“We really like it mom!  We feel happier in the morning and somehow more motivated to get up and do our school work each day.  We should keep doing it.”

Like the mother bird I watched build her nest twig by twig, this is how we build our homes of Zion also.  It’s not always perfect, it’s not always organized, but each twig adds to the safety and love we feel in our home.  It’s these little things that add up over time, that help us create happy homes and positive relationships.

Three invitations for you: (pick one)

  1. Take a moment and think about the things you have done to add to your nest over the years and express gratitude for them.
  2. If you feel inspired to add another twig to the nest, follow through on that inspiration.
  3. Perhaps you have just implemented one (as I have).  It takes time to fit that twig into the nest.  Be patient and watchful for the blessings.

PS If you feel guilty, overwhelmed or frustrated by this idea, I’d encourage you to look at the thoughts that cause you to feel this way.  If you need help discovering what those are; I’d be honored to help you.  Sign up for a FREE 20 minute coaching session with me HERE!  I’ve got you!

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