Camp Trailer Miracle!

(This story goes with the social media posts I wrote in August 2021. Follow me @SharinaAdams of FB, or @sharinashack on IG for the posts talking about natural laws. The blog posts will becoming in September.)

At the beginning of summer, my husband mentioned he was tired of sleeping on an air mattress when we went camping (and we like to camp)… he was ready to purchase a camp trailer.

He planted the idea in my mind and me, being me, I started looking at ideas on Pinterest (growing it).  I started drawing up floor plans and picking color schemes, and showed my ideas to him for his input.  (law of gender/gestation)

I allowed myself time each morning to imagine!  “What would it look like if…” I prayed about what I thought I’d need and allowed the spirit to direct my prayers also.  (start to the law of perpetual transmutation)

Watch out, your brain will get logical on you here and try to kick your ideas out… because there isn’t enough money, or space to put it, or time to build it, or whatever the reason.  Quiet your mind and tell it, you’re just playing with ideas.  You don’t need to know HOW, just WHAT… So what do you want and what does it look like?

As we looked at ideas and imagined, we allow ourselves to FEEL happy, excited and grateful as if we already owned it and were enjoying it.  We thanked Heavenly Father for this gift often.  This took some practice, as our brains didn’t want to give us these emotions until it was a reality.  (law of vibration)

Because we were changing our vibration to attract a camp trailer, other things in life started to shift, and we had a couple months where finances got a bit tighter-ugh! And we seemed to have less time on our hands.  We prayed for hope and extra help with our faith during this time. (law of polarity)

The Lord helped us remembered the law of relativity, so we could be grateful in the moment when things seemed to be moving backwards instead of forwards.

And we relied heavily on the law of rhythm, realizing that the tide was going out in our lives for a bit and that it was sure to come back in soon, bringing miracles with it.  This one helped me hold onto hope, be patient, and keep believing, a lot!!

Depending on what was going on and how we were handling our thoughts and emotions, we used different laws to help shift our thinking to BELIEF and HOPE!  Belief that, what we desired was good and it was coming to us, however long it took.

About once a week I had a “break down.”  Frustration, disappointment, and despair would take me – because I couldn’t see any evidence that what I desired was even trying to come at me.  I allowed the emotions to flow using my favorite emotional allowing tools.

There were times we had to act in faith, uncertain how it was going to turn out or if we were even on the right path. 

Like hoping on an old camper we were given as a potential candidate – upon a closer look, it wasn’t worth fixing, and we demolished it.

Occasionally I had random thoughts that led to taking action here or there; even though I didn’t recognize them at the time. 

Like the day I decided to visit my husband at lunch break.  I almost didn’t go, but on the way back I saw a trailer (one my husband had passed tons of times), and stopped to look at it.  When he went to look at it he told me it wasn’t there anymore. 

A few weeks later, I thought, “I wonder if he is looking where I meant?” So we drove by and sure enough, it was still there.  (law of cause/effect)

As we acted on potential inspiration, we believed that our desire was also moving towards us – meeting us in the middle (even though we couldn’t see the evidence of it). 

The second day I was enjoying myself at girl’s camp, my husband purchased the trailer for a great deal.  I returned to see the miracle we were co-creating with God, using our thoughts, emotions, and prayers… taking inspired actions (recognized or not at the time), and allowing the miracles to flow!

This isn’t the first time I’ve experimented with these principles… I like to do it over and over again.  I love how it helps me #hearhim and learn about faith.  Yes, there is an uncomfortable part.  The part where your vibration is shifting and it creates some time of chaos for a time, but I keep learning how to get through them and it gets easier with practice. 

And I never get tired of the miracles!

In fact, I’m already wondering what the next experiment will be.

–Are you interested yet?  Do you wanna try something out, AND grow closer to the Lord?  Would you like to pick the challenge you grow from?  I can help manage your own unique journey – you know what to do – sign up for a FREE chat with me HERE!

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