Showing 34 Result(s)

Preparing for Miracles

In the Middle Through all this experimenting and practicing I found myself on my knees, praying to Heavenly Father a lot! And my prayers looked like this… I think this is a good thing, I …

How Energy Affects Manifesting

The Space Between Nothingness and Physical Form I recently learned that the space surrounding the nucleus of an atom is energy… But even more than that, it is POTENTIAL energy. Given the size of the …


Step 4: Take inspired action You’d think this was pretty straight forward right – take action! But as I’ve practiced this, I’ve discovered a few things that might help you… Maybe your someone who likes …

Believing Matters

Step 3: Believe you can have it Believing is a powerful thought!  From it springs forth hope!  And hope leads us to action. Inspired actions lead to better results. However, most people will shrink what …

You are a Creator

Everything is created spiritually before it is created physically. What is manifesting? Manifesting is causing something in the unseen realm to show up in physical form. Manifesting is co-creating with the Lord. If He wants …

Changing Your Results

Be a Curious Observer As you practice noticing and writing down the current models that are running your life… Be a curious observer! Notice what you think and feel A LOT!  Watch for patterns in …

Thoughts & Feelings

Thoughts create Feelings Simply put… your thoughts are the MEANING you give to your circumstances. These are the thoughts you think about xyz and the STORIES you tell yourself (whether they are true or not). …

A Zion People Feel Joy Naturally

I remember sitting in a business conference room and thinking how challenging it was for me to understand business concepts (it still is).  As the presenters spoke they talked about ‘challenges’ they experience while growing …

Embracing What Is

Sometimes life doesn’t go the way we planned.  In fact, sometimes life is downright hard! Resisting makes it worse (remember how I actually got sick in the previous post). But what if nothing has actually …