Showing 12 Result(s)

The Relationship Cycle

When people accept our friendships, our love, and our invitations we feel wonderful! But sometimes they don’t. Being rejected doesn’t feel nice and we don’t want to feel that again – so by default we …

Defining Motherhood

What is YOUR definition of a “good mom”? Take a minute and write down YOUR picture of a “good mom.” You can borrow ideas from women you admire, but DO NOT COMPARE yourself to them.  …


The brain responds to EVIDENCE Let’s go back to how your brain works again… just for a minute. Your brain responds to “evidence,” – facts, tangibles, things you can see, feel, taste and touch. If …

Why is Change so HARD?

Your Brain: Your amazing brain was designed to find solutions to problems. The fastest, easiest route to those solutions. Often times, this is great news…hurray! But sometimes it means we cut corners and don’t do …

Habits and Resistance

We are creatures of HABIT!  Habit’s make it easy to go through life each day without taking too much brain power. And it preserves our energy!  So we can accomplish more and respond to situations …

Building Our Nest

I looked out my window this morning and watched in wonder as a bird worked to create a nest.  It hopped around carrying a twig, piece of cloth, or grass clippings in its beak.  Then …