Showing 65 Result(s)


Step 4: Take inspired action You’d think this was pretty straight forward right – take action! But as I’ve practiced this, I’ve discovered a few things that might help you… Maybe your someone who likes …

Believing Matters

Step 3: Believe you can have it Believing is a powerful thought!  From it springs forth hope!  And hope leads us to action. Inspired actions lead to better results. However, most people will shrink what …

Helping Others in the Wrestle

If you feel the answers you are or are not receiving are insufficient… STAY in the wrestle anyway! I heard it described this way once… Imagine you have 3 shelves… The top shelf is for …

Love the Middle

“Doubting is not synonymous with having questions. To doubt is to reject truth and faith.” “While the Lord will reveal many things to us, He has never told His covenant people everything about everything.” We …

Lean into Curiosity

Who do you take your curiosity to?The fear of asking questions, broadening your perspective, and “doubting…”Come from not knowing to WHOM you seek answers from.The world is filled with lots of advice and perspectives from …

Curiosity –> Humility

Humility isn’t a common trait in the human race.We like to be right even if it’s not in our best interest, and we’ll fight for it.And we think this gives us power over ourselves and …

Curiosity Allows for Growth

Curiosity is essential for growth.As humans we are wired to expand, to want more, to become something better, etc.We want to grow!However, we fear change and like to be comfortable and surround ourselves with familiarpeople, …

Power of Curiosity

One of the most helpful emotions to use while doing self-coaching is…CURIOSITYIn fact, it has become one of my favorite go-to emotions.When writing down old thought patterns, look at them with curiosity, not guilt, anger …

Thoughts & Feelings

Thoughts create Feelings Simply put… your thoughts are the MEANING you give to your circumstances. These are the thoughts you think about xyz and the STORIES you tell yourself (whether they are true or not). …

Laws, Emotions, & Thoughts

While trust in the Lord is one of the most valuable lessons we keep practicing in life… Other emotions play a role in overcoming adversity also. First let me explain the Law of the Vacuum: …