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Contention is used to gain power over another person. Contention is used to put people off balance or cause them to question what they think. Contention is manipulative and deceitful. Christ said to his disciples, …

Persuasive the Savior’s Way

“Differences of opinion are a part of life.”-Pres. Nelson Peacemakers model “how to manage honest differences of opinion with mutual respect and dignified dialogue.”-Pres. Nelson And they do this by managing their own thoughts and …

Becoming Peacemakers

In our last general conference President Nelson spoke of overcoming the natural mans tendency to be contentious and asked us to become peacemakers. As I’ve pondered this, I’ve discovered it’s really easy to read the …

Covenant Relationship [part1]

The Relationship Cycle with God The relationship cycle with your spouse, or your teenagers can be tricky … (I know I have 4 teenagers in my house currently). But the relationship cycle with your Heavenly …

Manifesting Zion

Several years ago, I was wondering what the Lord wanted me to do with this new learning I was receiving and loving so much! As I was preparing what I thought was going to be …

Preparing for Miracles

In the Middle Through all this experimenting and practicing I found myself on my knees, praying to Heavenly Father a lot! And my prayers looked like this… I think this is a good thing, I …

Helping Others in the Wrestle

If you feel the answers you are or are not receiving are insufficient… STAY in the wrestle anyway! I heard it described this way once… Imagine you have 3 shelves… The top shelf is for …

Intention and Questions

Everything begins with a desire… What do you want? Do you want to be part of the body of Christ; part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints?  Or not? Why?  Why not? …

Engage in the Wrestle

With so many leaving the body of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints… Because of unresolved questions or insufficient answers… Or because they lack the understanding of the purpose of the church… Or …

Faith & Repentance

How do we go about doing the work of Salvation and Exaltation… Live: the gospel of Jesus Christ Wait, what is the “the gospel of Jesus Christ” exactly? It’s  4 things: faith, repentance, ordinances, and …