Showing 30 Result(s)

Lean into Adversity with Faith

Let’s look at a simple example of facing adversity with faith in Jesus Christ… found in the scriptures… Nephi, Laman and Lemuel went through the same adversities leaving the land of Jerusalem, traveling in the …

Overcoming Adversity

Adversity is part of the experience of mortal life… We search for peace, direction, comfort, consistency and certainty in our lives… And the Lord gives us an abundance of blessings (take time to notice this …

Energy is Neutral

“Like energy,” attract “like energy.” This is the law of attraction.  If you send happy energy out, you often find yourself surrounded by the happy energy of others.  If you send complaining energy out, you …

Virtue-Accurate Thinking

As I sat pondering what has been going on in the world and our country lately… I wonder, “where do all these different ideas come from?” The answer, of course, is our THOUGHTS (and there …

You + Christ = Miracles

Again, notice that Christ did not save any of these people from their circumstances. He came to them IN their circumstances… He met them where they were, as they were… And He taught them, encouraged …

Hope, Faith & Trust in Christ

Maybe you can relate to this story… In John 4, the woman at the well had been in many relationships that didn’t work out. She was disgraced, and at the well at the worst possible …

Encounter Christ Often

In John 6, we read the story of Christ feeding the 5000 with a few loaves and fishes (v 5-14)… A great miracle! The next day the people came looking for Jesus (v 25-35)… And …

Changed By Christ

Christ never intended for us to ‘stay as we are.’ We were placed on this earth to learn is this mortal place; and keep growing. We can choose to be tossed about by the wild …

What Do Laws Teach Us?

The thing that keeps your ideas, desires and dreams from coming to you is… Doubt, fear and impatience These breed frustration, resentment, anger, and mistrust. It’s like planting a seed, and then taking it out …