Showing 30 Result(s)

The Law of … (part 2)

The law of Polarity This law states that “everything has an opposite…” There is no up without a down.  There is no right without being left first.  There is not order without first being chaos.  …

The Law of … (part 1)

Law of Perpetual Transmutation The first law states “everything is coming into physical form or going out of it.” Like the chemical compound H2O, it can move from vapor, to water, to ice and back …

Growing Faith through Natural Laws

In the last general conference, President Nelson asked us to “increase our faith.” Shortly after I felt prompted to revisit a book I read 10 or so years ago… “Hidden Treasures” by Leslie Householder It …

The Good and Bad

One more lesson in BALANCE… Life has opposites… Good and bad, happy and sad, excitement and overwhelm, etc. If you feel good half the time and some other undesirable feeling the other half the time… …

Camp Trailer Miracle!

(This story goes with the social media posts I wrote in August 2021. Follow me @SharinaAdams of FB, or @sharinashack on IG for the posts talking about natural laws. The blog posts will becoming in …

Balance * Movement * Comfort

Balance and movement If you have a goal, this requires movement… Standing firmly on two legs, unmoving will not get you there… In fact, perfect balance hinders movement… Imagine standing at the edge of a …

Heaven Journaling

Heaven journaling is a combination of prayer, scripture study, writing/journaling, and personal revelation. In fact, writing in my journal was one of the first ways I recognized the spirit guiding and directing me in my …


The brain responds to EVIDENCE Let’s go back to how your brain works again… just for a minute. Your brain responds to “evidence,” – facts, tangibles, things you can see, feel, taste and touch. If …

Why is Change so HARD?

Your Brain: Your amazing brain was designed to find solutions to problems. The fastest, easiest route to those solutions. Often times, this is great news…hurray! But sometimes it means we cut corners and don’t do …

Manifesting Our Dream Home

Where to begin? Let’s start with the story of how we got into our miracle home J Backstory:  for many years I have had several different pictures of my “dream home” on my vision board.  …