Showing 96 Result(s)

Lessons in Belonging

Do I belong?  This has been weighing on my heart for some time. I work in the Young Women’s see… And so many of our dear girls don’t feel like they “belong.” I understand… I …

Believing Matters

Step 3: Believe you can have it Believing is a powerful thought!  From it springs forth hope!  And hope leads us to action. Inspired actions lead to better results. However, most people will shrink what …

These are They…

The process of learning and practicing these patterns that help us overcome the world is an individual matter. We are each in our own private and personal battle… A battle between the “natural man,” or …

Powerful Virtuous Cycle

Another pattern of living is found in “the Doctrine of Christ.” What is that? The Doctrine of Christ is… Faith in Jesus Christ–Repentance–Covenant Relationship/Immersion–Confirmation by Holy Ghost/Extra Power–Endure to the End/Become Perfected …as seen in …

Your “Favorite” Sins

Pres. Nelson describes overcoming the world as resisting the “temptation to care more about the things of this world than the things of God.” He then lists several things to help clarify his statement… But …

Patterns of Righteous Living

David O. McKay once shared a vision he had… “I beheld a beautiful white city… Trees with luscious fruit … and flowers in perfect bloom abounded everywhere.  … A great concourse of people [was] approaching …

Helping Others in the Wrestle

If you feel the answers you are or are not receiving are insufficient… STAY in the wrestle anyway! I heard it described this way once… Imagine you have 3 shelves… The top shelf is for …

Intention and Questions

Everything begins with a desire… What do you want? Do you want to be part of the body of Christ; part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints?  Or not? Why?  Why not? …

Uniting Families for Eternity

As we look towards uniting families for eternity, there are a few things we can do. One of them is to strive to be “Recommended to the Lord.”  Not perfect, but working towards it. “To …

While studying advertising one day I came across some fantastic statistics that I think are applicable to inviting all to receive the gospel of Jesus Christ… Did you know that people need to see something …