Change of Heart-Emotion

The Holy Ghost speaks to your mind and your heart

Perhaps this phrase has a different meaning to you now. 

Are you only allowing the spirit to talk to you with your thoughts…

Could you use His extra guidance by learning to manage your emotions/heart?

I can testify that using the two together has given me a powerful witness of many truths in my life, and has helped shaped my testimony of Jesus Christ.

Before I learned these things I was less confident in my ability to Hear Him, because I didn’t know how to manage my thoughts or my emotions (mind and heart). 

As I worked on these skills, my ability to hear and feel the spirit increased exponentially and I became so much more confident in what His voice sounded/felt like to me.

My hope is as you practice these skills, your ability to hear/feel the Holy Ghost will increase and that you will be more confident in His voice and messages for you. 

A Change of Heart

Since learning that my thoughts create my feelings, and my feelings drive my actions I began to understand the phrase … “a change of heart” in a different way.

A Change of heart is a change feeling which comes from a change of thinking.

Wanting to become more like Christ, I started “practicing” filling my life with more love, laughter, compassion, understanding, and forgiveness. 

To acquire these attributes I had to also cultivate more patience, long-suffering, faith, trust, and humility.

Don’t get me wrong – I am in no way perfect at this!  But I’ve come to enjoy the process of “practicing” everyday.  I’m not eager to see where I can improve (just like you), but I love the joy that comes from a consistently changing heart (just like you). 

The Holy Ghost continues to speak to me (probably as He always did, I just didn’t know how to recognize it before).  I hear Him better and with more confidence.  My relationship with my Savior is more joyful, and filled with hope. 

I want to share this joy and hope with you!  And help you Hear Him better to!  That is why I do this work and write these posts.  For Him, for You!  (heart heart)

As you do this work for you – it will trickle down into your family.  Your relationships will be filled with more love, understanding, compassion and forgiveness.  You’re example may influence your children’s thoughts and behaviors.  It’s worth a try!

–If you would like someone who has been down this road to help guide you, find a life coach you trust.  If you don’t know anyone – I’d love to be that person for you!  You can sign up for a 30 minute coaching session in the profile or message me and I’ll help you with your current circumstance.

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