Change Through Covenants

Pres. Nelson said, “…making & keeping covenants actually makes life easier! … [because we have] access to the power of Jesus Christ.  Please ponder that stunning truth!”

Let’s ponder that “stunning truth?”

How does making and keeping covenants make life easier?

Though our Heavenly Father’s love is unconditional, access to His power is conditional…

To access it, we need to hold up our end of the covenant promise, the relationship cycle, – over and over again…

We need to be continually practicing at it.

We claim that extra power when we ask for it and truly practice living our end of the covenants.

When we live our end of the covenant, we become changed…

We seek out God’s will, we are more patient, more forgiving, more kind. 

We remove things from our lives that distract us from Him, we call on Him for help more often…

We live a different lifestyle that we did before, and we build a different relationship with Him than we had before.

We develop Christlike attributes with His help, that bless our family relationships also.

We live higher and holier laws and ways!

“The reward for keeping covenants with God is heavenly power – power that strengthens us to withstand our trials, temptations, and heartaches better. That power eases our way.  Those who live the higher laws of Jesus Christ have access to His higher power.” –Pres. Nelson

I testify, this is true!  I have experienced it many times…

When I am overcome with “mountains,” I take a look at my covenants and ask myself and God,

“What do I need to work on IN ME, so I can access the power I’ve been promised?”

Each time, He helps me discover and let go of the belief and feeling that isn’t helping me come closer to Him…

As I let go of the way I think life “should” be but isn’t…

His power flows into me and helps me understand the agency of others and helps me give them space to make those choices.  And if those choices cause heartache – He helps me manage the heartache and still know I am loved.

As I let go of the things that keep me busy doing, instead of busy doing good…

His power flows into me and helps me discern between what is most important and has eternal significance.

As I let go of the “keeping up with the world”…

His power flows into me and helps me not get caught up in the many distractions and opinions, instead, bringing my focus back to ways I can strengthen my home and family were I’m at.

This makes my life EASIER!!

Instead of being tossed about on the stormy seas that are constantly trying to divide us, overwhelm us, and drag us down emotionally and mentally…

We choose to focus on Christ and we find peace in Christ’s guidance!

The problem is, we tent to “trust our [current] behaviors more than we trust our relationship with Him.” –Jenet Jacob Erickson

Thinking that everything outside of us, including others, should change so we can feel better.

When in fact, it is “through covenants we create a relationship with God that allows Him to bless and change US.”

Our worldly self wants to stay where it is familiar and comfortable (even if it’s not in our best interest or growth)…

Our eternal self wants to grow, evolve, change, and become more – much more!

If we learn about and apply the covenants we have made we will be inspired to develop qualities like, obedience, sacrifice, patience, forgiveness, faith in Jesus Christ, long-suffering, and charity.

As we work to develop these Christlike attributes, we will build and maintain positive, fulfilling relationships because we will better understand how to love each other.

In fact, understanding “covenants can transform our perspective of earthly relationships” and Heavenly Father will lend us covenant power to make these changes. -Emily Abel

“When we covenant all we are, we can become more than we are.” -Elder Gong

Faith and repentance along the journey will “comfort the hurt, loneliness, and in justice we experience in mortality.”

Our covenants will lead us closer to Jesus Christ and with His help we can mend and build the loving relationships we were always meant to create.

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