Changed By Christ

Christ never intended for us to ‘stay as we are.’

We were placed on this earth to learn is this mortal place; and keep growing.

We can choose to be tossed about by the wild winds of life, and changed by the world…

Or we can choose to be changed by the most loving and perfect person who ever walked the earth…

Jesus Christ!

We can choose to BECOME like Christ!

When we choose to yoke ourselves with Christ; His teaching, His love, His process…

We choose to ‘enter into’ a relationship with Him…

And to allow Him to change us…

Little by little creating a new lifestyle molded by Christ.

This month I want to discuss what a relationship with Christ looks like.

I hope you will see yourself in these stories.

I hope you will see where your relationship is now and where you want it to go next.

I encourage you to enter into that relationship again, and again, and again.

First let’s talk about ‘seasons of relationships’…

Just like the growing seasons of the year…

Our relationships also grow in seasons…

Have you ever planted a garden?  There are seasons of work, and seasons of patience and rest…

Sometimes we are PLANTING…

Sometimes we are GROWING…

Sometimes we are HARVESTING…

And sometimes we are RESTING!

How much you plant will determine how much you harvest and enjoy!

Our relationships are much the same.

Sometimes we are PLANTING new relationship seeds, like learning to communicate better, or practicing forgiving more, or showing more appreciation…

Sometimes we are GROWING those seeds, with practice and patience…

We all love to HARVEST the fruits of our efforts, as our relationships grow into a new phase of wonderful.

And we enjoy RESTING form our mental and emotional efforts for a season…

Then the process begins again, as we decide to choose a new goal to work on in our relationships.

In a like manner, our relationship with Christ grows in seasons…

Are you ready to enter again, into the relationship…

How much do you want to plant?  Harvest? in your relationship with Christ…

What do you want your goal to be?

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