Charity and Kindness

Charity suffereth long

As we discussed, “charity is the pure love of Christ.”

“Pure love” because it’s not tainted by our mistakes or our weaknesses. 

Christ see’s the real, divine, perfected… us!  And His goal is to “love us” into who we are to become.

This is the reason “charity suffereth long,”

He knows it’s going to take time, failure, repentance, and lots of practice to become who we were always meant to be…

His charity (or pure love) is willing to go the WHOLE distance with us… no matter how long it takes or how hard it is. 

He doesn’t become discouraged along the way either, His love is patient and kind during all the messy parts.

As disciples of Christ, we should strive to be more patient and kind when others do not do things the way we hoped they would, or if the journey is longer and harder than we hoped.

Turn to Christ for help in guiding your thoughts, feelings and actions towards others (especially when we become angry or frustrated with their behaviors).

He knows the perfect way to respond – ask Him to show you!

And ask Him how that is loving (especially if your answer wasn’t what you expected)?  WINK

I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by what He teaches you.


Charity never faileth because it always does its perfect work inside YOU!

It never ceases to amaze me …

When I take the time to do the spiritual, mental and emotional work on me (guided by my Savior of course)…

How that influences the people around me.

My intention is not to change them, but to become a better me… so I can be more loving, kind and understanding.  So I have a greater capacity to give…

Yet, over time, my relationships improve.

When I respond with love and understanding, they eventually begin to respond with love and understanding also.

 Oh, we might not agree… but there is a mutual respect and way of communicating that isn’t aggressive or filled with anger, hate or malice. 

We can talk and listen, learn and understand, agree and disagree even… but with peace.

Our love for each other is respected and appreciated.


In the Gospel principles manual, kindness is described as…

“Originating in our hearts and minds (thoughts and feelings)”

A lack of kindness begins with critical thoughts towards others, and often develops into a pattern of thinking that causes us to find fault with others.

When we accept responsibility for our own thinking, we can become more charitable …

Because we take time to assess why we are thinking the way we are, and decide if that is going to help us get where we want to go (in our goals, in our relationships, etc.)

In one of his talks, Pres. Monson said, “Kindness is the essence of celestial life.”

So… a pattern of THINKING kind thoughts, and FEELING love for each other, and EXPRESSING that love in many ways– is the essence of celestial life.  Wow!

“and the Lord called His people Zion, because they were of one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness;” (Moses 7:18)

This “one heart and one mind” doesn’t mean all the people thought the same thoughts like robots…

It is because they had the same purposes and goals, to live in celestial glory with their loved ones and to become like God…

And they wanted everyone to reach this same place, as families and communities!

Celestial living is rooted in kindness!  I love that!

–In what situations could you respond more kindly in your life?  What could you think, feel and do build a better relationship?

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