Charity: Greatest Virtue

The reason I talk about virtue first is because…

Charity is the Greatest of all Virtues!  (Gospel Principles manual definition)

It’s the greatest of all patterns of thinking and behavior.

When asked, “what is charity?”  Most people will tell you, “it’s the pure love of Christ.”

But what does that really mean? 

We look to Christ as an example of perfect charity.  He served others by raising the dead, giving sight to the blind, casting out darkness, feeding thousands, being with the lonely and cast out, etc. (all ACTIONS)

But why did Christ serve all these people?

Because He had the most perfect way of THINKING and FEELING towards them…

He loved and understood who and where they were in every moment of their life…

He knew what they needed so they could become who He knew they could become.

His acts of charity were driven by perfect THOUGHTS and His great LOVE for them!

We describe charity by ACTS of service because that is the outward expression we can see.  It makes most sense in our brains. 

But let us remember, it is driven by our loving, caring, concern, and kindness for others. 

We want to serve them!


Charity is the goal!

“he who is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him.” (Moroni 7:47)

But, sometimes we serve with a heavy resentful heart. 

Although service is appreciated no matter the reason driving it, this is not pure charity. 

We could practice improving our thoughts and desire to serve with a grateful heart. 

Sometimes we serve out of obligation (not necessarily bad but leaves room for improvement). 

Sometimes we serve because we “have to”, or we’re told to.

My kids call this being “volun-told” what to do…

But obligation is not LOVE either.

However, it can be used as a steppingstone to teach and to practice learning to serve.

Let us remember to teach “why” we are choosing to serve others –

Our goal is to see them where they are and who they are right now (like Christ does)… and LOVE them!

Our goal is to serve because we want to!

“Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are TRUE followers of His Son, Jesus Christ;  that ye may BECOME the sons of God;” (Moroni 7:48)

And this takes practice!

–What is your primary emotion while serving your children?  Your spouse?  Your neighbors? In your calling?  At work?  Would you like to work on changing that emotion in any of these groups?  Which ones and how?

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