COVID-19 and Your Brain

Our world has been completely turned upside down in a matter of weeks because of COVID-19. 

Let me help explain what has happened to each of our brains and why there have been so many different reactions, from anger and panic to love and service.

Here’s a great analogy to help you understand. 

It’s like taking everything out of “that” closet (you know the one) and spreading it on the floor.  You’ve just created total chaos.  Your intention is to get rid of what you don’t want and put back what you do want in a nice orderly fashion.  It’s okay; you see the end result and are willing to wade through the chaos to get there. 

Your brain, however, is screaming, “No, don’t take it out, then we’ll have to sort it and make decisions, and put it all back.  We’ve been avoiding this for years – just leave it the way it was. Please!”

Being the wise person you are; you tell your brain it’ll be okay.  You push past the resistance and begin the task anyway. 

That is what so many of us are experiencing with COVID-19.  Our lives have just been thrown out of the closet (not by our choice this time), and we are left unsure and uncertain what to do with the mess.  Many of us are feeling every emotion in the book, in a random order, and much of the time it doesn’t make sense. 

Remember, “that” closet in your life was just dumped out and you were not ready for the mess.  You didn’t ask for it, it was not on your ‘to-do’ list, and you have no idea what it will look like when we try to put it all back.

Because of this, people are in various states of the ‘process of change.’  Some are mad about it and they will snap at you (I’m sorry if you’ve been on the receiving end of that – I’ve been there).  Some are avoiding it, and pretending it hasn’t affected them.  Some are laughing about it, making jokes or taking risks (like my teenager did for a while).  Some are feeling panicked and are in a constant state of anxiety and worry about the unknown (after all none of us really know what this reorganized closet is going to look like afterwards).  Some feel overwhelmed by the new responsibilities (I’m thinking of all the sudden homeschool moms).  Some are accepting ‘what is’ and are trying to make piles so they can wade through it with relative ease. Still others are embracing the experience, digging in, and trying to create order from the chaos, and helping others along the way (we hope to all get to this state soon, but it will take time).

Whatever you are feeling and whatever state of change you are in – it’s normal! 

No judgment.  We’ve all been there; some visit each stage for a long period of time, others adjust more quickly.  It’s okay!  Forgive yourself wherever you are and move through the process (continuing to forgive yourself along the way). 

Let’s forgive others for their insensitive reactions also.  You are one of those people who know what is going on their head now and you understand.  Compassion for them is the best road.  If you feel like you can help someone, follow that guidance you feel.  Ask them questions, listen, be understanding; people are smart when you give them an opportunity to think out loud.  They often see their own error and correct themselves.  Those who don’t; aren’t ready.  Love them anyway. 

Hope this helps make sense of your brain and others reactions today.

PS If you’d like further help working through your COVID-19 situation, sign up for a FREE 20 minute coaching call HERE.   

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