Now comes the really fun part J
All the tools to this point, lead to this type of writing.
You get to choose your life, you are the creator.
This type of writing I do in a journal because I want to keep it, or on a sticky note because I plan on displaying somewhere to remind me.
Tool 1: Declarations
This tool works great with the Little Voice Management tool I shared towards the beginning of the month. The positive opposites you created from the negative thoughts you discovered, become your positive declarations.
They are the new story (thoughts and feelings) you want to tell about your life.
I’ve used hundreds of declarations over the years, in many areas of my life, to help me become the mom I wanted to be, the wife I wanted to be, and to have the life I love!
I still have declarations on my mirror still today!
Declarations are simple and easy for kids also. My rule of thumb for kids is… write two “I am ___” that they already are, and one they want to become. Repeat daily before bed, (along with brushing teeth and prayer).
We have been using declarations for years now and I have witnessed a huge change in the confidence my kids have in themselves, how they interact with others, and how they help other people.
They get back up from hard situations faster, and keep believing anyway. It’s a good life skill to have.
They create their own declarations now and I love to hear them through the door when I check on them at night.
It might seem small and simple, but “by small and simple things are great thing brought to pass!”
Tool 2: Afterstory
An afterstory is written in the present tense (as if you are already living it). It is often written in story form.
STEP 1: Write a story, describing how things look, feel, taste, sound, etc. Get your imagination involved. “If you could have it anyway you wanted it, what would it look like?” is my favorite question for writing afterstories.
STEP 2: Record your story on your phone and listen to it once a day.
My husband is particularly good at using afterstories to reach his goals and create the life he loves.
These two tools, keeps your subconscious brain on the lookout for the resources and opportunities it needs to make this story come true. I’m always amazed how it works!
Be playful, fun, and creative! It’s your life, create it!
Tool 3: Set Goals:
“When you write something down it takes on a concrete form. The act of writing it down also programs it into your subconscious mind, which then works on in 24 hours a day, and begins to bring into your life, experiences and opportunities to reach your goals, in ways that you cannot imagine.” – paraphrased from Brian Tracy
Each stage of reaching your goals requires thinking, writing, and planning. (for more info on Getting Your Goals see January 2021 posts).
STEP 1: Decide exactly what you want and write it down.
Put your goals in a place you will see them and read them daily.
STEP 2: Plan out the steps you need to take and the things you need to learn.
STEP 3: Act by tracking your progress toward your goal. As you accomplish each step you can SEE that you are moving steadily toward your goal. And that feels good.
STEP 4: Reflect on what you learned through your experiences.
Anytime you get stuck, frustrated, distracted, or overwhelmed by your goals …
Use one of the tools I shared in “Learn from your Past” earlier this month to help you overcome.
Setting goals is a great way to utilize many of the tools I’ve shared this month…
Often times I have declarations to help me believe in my goals…
Negative thought coping tools to help me keep moving towards my goals…
Accomplishment trackers to help keep me motivated and excited… And regular journaling as I reflect back on my journey.
If you would like help reaching your goals and implementing these tools, I can help simplify it for you. Message me on FB (@sharinaadams) or IG (@sharinashack).