Curiosity –> Humility

Humility isn’t a common trait in the human race.
We like to be right even if it’s not in our best interest, and we’ll fight for it.
And we think this gives us power over ourselves and others…
However, humility is the real super power!
Humble people are willing to be wrong about their opinions and ideas, and see things from a
different perspective.
Humble people are willing to do the work needed to make changes happen, and to grow into
becoming who they need to be.
Humble people are more creative and stumble (so it seems) into the most fantastic ideas.
Humble people often get along with all kinds of different people, and have more meaningful
It doesn’t mean that they are easily swayed or they don’t have standards and values…
They are just open to consider different things, be curious about them, ask questions, seek
answers, and make decisions.
Humility is a life skill that takes practice.
If you can’t get to humility, try becoming curious first.
I’ve found that curiosity is the back door to humility.
If you can get curious about things, you will often find yourself more open to other thoughts,
ideas, and possibilities.
And you are more likely to grow into being more humble also.

Some people avoid being curious because they think it is doubting…
Or they think it will lead them off the straight and narrow path…
But having questions is what brought the boy Joseph to his knees in a grove of trees…
Being curious about a burning in the mountain is what brought Mose’s in contact with a burning
bush that changed his life…
Being curious about God’s plan for him, Joseph of Egypt eventually learned how to run a
household and then save a kingdom from a 7 year famine.
Wondering if I could create a more joyful life for myself and my family is what led me to personal
development and life coaching…
Sometimes we need to put aside what WE THINK we know and allow space for questions…
Sometimes we need to sit in the space of uncertainty, with patience, and wonder about life’s
circumstances (even wrestle with it sometimes) – believing that in the Lord’s timing, we WILL
get our answers.
Sometimes we need to look at alternatives to broaden our perspective and grow into our next
level of us.
So don’t be afraid to ask questions and get curious about things.
–What holds you back from asking questions? Is it a good reason? What would happen if you
decided to get curious about it?

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