Decide to Belong

In a world that says, “Just accept me for who I am and don’t expect me to change.  Deal with it.  You do you, and I’ll do me. And don’t judge me.”

The Lord’s message is quite different.

His message is ”Come as you are… but don’t plan to stay as you are. God’s determined to make of [you] more than [you] thought [you] could be.”

The Lord’s plan is that we will change!

Over and over again, until we finally BECOME who He knows we’ve always been.

Yes, He will meet you where you are!  In your joys and your messes, with love….

And that is a beautiful thought.

But He does not intend to leave you there, that wouldn’t be very loving of Him. 

No, he intends to help you BECOME more and that will require changes…

Changes in thinking, friends, lifestyles, etc. 

Through all these changes, you may wonder… where do I belong?

Though you may change groups you belong to, interests you want to pursue, and people you want to interact with…

You will still ALWAYS BELONG with Jesus Christ…

Even the change from YW to Relief Society can be hard, but they are both leading you to a closer relationship with Christ – say yes to them, even through the changes.

And if you are struggling (because you will), ask Him to help you see where and how you fit in here now.  I promise He already has a plan to help you, if you are willing to look for it.

Decide to belong first

My daughter(s) don’t always feel like they belong in their YW group…

Since we’ve only been here 3 years, we don’t have the lifelong connections that some of them do – I get it!

They don’t have the same interests as many of the other girls or the same friend base group at school.

Sometimes the girls try to talk to them and include them and sometimes they don’t (kind of normal).

Sometimes my girls try to connect with them and sometimes my girls are just there out of obligation but would rather be somewhere else (kind of normal also).

And sometimes it just works and they all laugh and talk together!

As I’ve watched and helped coach my girls through this struggle (and my own struggle if I’m honest)…

I have come to this conclusion…

My girls belong to this group of YW, not because they are best friends or have the same interests, but because they are part of this wards YW group.  They belong because they are daughters of God in the xx Ward, in the xx Stake.

When my girls DECIDE to belong, they feel more connection to the other girls.  They laugh more and engage more (even if they aren’t besties).

When my girls DECIDE they don’t belong, they don’t enjoy it as much and have less connection, or don’t go.

The only difference is them DECIDING – and that is a thought!

Which leads to feeling like they belong (or don’t), which lead to acting like they belong (or not).

Every Sunday and Wednesday, they get to decide… do I belong here?  Do I want to show up and try?

They are human teenage girls, with lots of thoughts, hormones, feelings and obligations…

No matter what they choose that day – my most important message to my girls and my YW is,

“You belong with Jesus Christ!  And you belong with us here if you will say yes!”

It’s not always perfect, but we love you no matter what.

It is Christ that connects us!

Whatever that looks like today, choose Christ!

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