Defining Motherhood

What is YOUR definition of a “good mom”?

Take a minute and write down YOUR picture of a “good mom.”

You can borrow ideas from women you admire, but DO NOT COMPARE yourself to them. 

This is your unique picture of motherhood, and it’s the one your kids want you to be also.

Here are some questions to get you started…

What does it look like to be a “good mom?”

How does a “good mom” show up for her kids at bedtime; what’s the routine, how is that different for each child?

How does she handle kids who are throwing a fit or being disobedient?

How does she discipline her teenagers?

How does she support her children in their activities or goals?

How does she take care of herself, so she can take care of her kids?

Does she need to control everything?  What can she let go of? 

How does she show humility?  How does she say I’m sorry?

Don’t worry if it’s not complete or perfect, you can add to it as you discover more things.  Just start with what you can think of right now.

And don’t worry if you fit your definition yet – you’re a work in progress.


Bonus tip: record your “definition of a good mom” on your phone.  

While you are making the bed, or putting on your make up, going for a walk, driving to work, or just getting bowls of cereal out for the kids…

LISTEN to your definition, daily!

I did this!  I listened to it every day for many months…

At first it seemed silly, but I kept doing it.

Then I noticed all the times my brain DIDN’T believe my definition; that was uncomfortable, but I kept listening anyway – I kept trying to believe, and I kept working on becoming that mom I wanted to be.

Then it became easier, and even exciting that I was becoming “that mom.”

Now I “just BELIEVE it!”  Because it’s true! 

–(notice “The Process of Change” here, as shared in these blog posts “Habits and Resistance,” “Stages of Change,” “Why change is HARD,” and “Becoming”)

I am a good mom, even in my messy, rough days – I’m still a good mom. 

Even when the kids are arguing, making messes, and complaining… I am a good mom.

And because I BELIEVE IT!  I show up that way!

I ask for help when I need it. I hold my kids responsible even if they are not happy about it. I support them with all my heart, instead of feeling like I need to reserve some of it for me.  I let things go that aren’t important.  I pick my battles with love and confidence.  I say I’m sorry.  I take care of me.  I help my kids through their stuff, but don’t make it mine.  I don’t try to be like other mom’s –

I’m just be MY best me! 

And my kids are grateful I did this work… because I am the mom they needed me to be.  Everyone wins!

Now it’s your turn… and you can do this!  I BELIEVE in you mama, start believing it to!

–If you want more help BECOMING the mom you want to be, I’d love to help!  Message me and I’ll get you a FREE 30 minute coaching session.  I had a coach that helped me through my messy also – let me help you now!

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