Developing Charity

Is there any hope left in the world?

While the world is drowning in cynicism, bitterness, hatred, uncertainty, chaos, oppressiveness, and fear…

As Latter-day Saints we are asked to be a peculiar people…

Different, set apart from the world…

Ministers of compassion, goodness, and truth.

How do we do that?

What does that look like?

The answer is simple, we’ve heard it a million times since we were young…be kind, charitable, and loving to all people.

In fact, we’ve heard it so many times I wonder if we accidentally dismiss it, because we’ve also been taught to stand up for right and truth (and that seems to be getting messier in this world).

This month I ‘m going to examine these words…

Virtue, Charity, and Kindness and talk about what this looks like in your thoughts and feelings.

Let’s first define VIRTUE.

Virtue “is a pattern of thought and behavior based on high moral standards.” (Gospel Principles manual definition)

So… it’s a pattern of thinking, feeling and acting to get a result…

Sound familiar?

Many of you have heard me talk about a “the model.”  (see May posts for more details)

Circumstances à Thoughts à Feelings à Actions à Results

It is a tool I use to have greater self-awareness. 

In a nutshell… our thoughts, create how we feel and how we feel drives our actions or behaviors.

Virtue is a “pattern of thought, feeling and behavior” based on high moral standards of living.

Our high moral standards of living are God’s laws and standards we read about in the scriptures. 

If our belief is that we are striving to live with love and righteousness in the celestial kingdom, then our virtuous thoughts will drive our behaviors so we can reach this goal.

We will strive to become people who have love for each other, who want to serve and bless each other, and who want to live in harmony and unity with each other.

This takes practice.

— What thoughts are you struggling with and what would you like to practice thinking instead?  Need help with this- message me!

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