Encounter Christ Often

In John 6, we read the story of Christ feeding the 5000 with a few loaves and fishes (v 5-14)…

A great miracle!

The next day the people came looking for Jesus (v 25-35)…

And they asked Jesus…

How can we do what you did?

Jesus says, you seek me to find out how I did the miracle, but you do not SEE ME!


In other words, this miracle was only possible because of me…

Don’t get hung up on the bread, the bread was only possible because of me.

Without me, you cannot create miracles.

So…what does this teach us?

That we should want to ENCOUNTER Christ often!

We should invite Him into our story, into our lives…

We should look for Him to show up with eagerness and gratitude…

We should expect to encounter Him!

The more we encounter Christ, the more our relationship with Him will grow.

We will see Him in the big and small parts of our daily life!

And we will recognize Him and the miracles possible, only with Him, more often!


In John 8, we read the story of the woman taken in adultery and brought before Christ.

Christ drops down by her and draws in the dirt.

The Pharisees kept asking what they should do with her…

Eventually Christ stands and says, “He who is without sin, cast the first stone.”

One by one, the Pharisees leave the woman with Jesus.

Notice, Christ didn’t whisk her away to safety.

He joined her there – in her guilt and shame, in her anguish, in her trial…

He was quiet, but a loving support.

He listened (to her heart).

After sending away the “world” of mocking voices…

He stayed there, in the dirt, in her most desperate moment…

He met her where SHE WAS as she was!!!

And extended a hand of mercy!

We don’t have to get ourselves to a certain place,

For Him to meet us where WE ARE!

He’ll just come!  In fact, He’s already there…


And He’s extending His hand of mercy.

Will you accept it, no matter where you are?

Do you notice Him there??

Do you know what that sounds like?  Feels like?


As Christ meets us where WE are…

I wonder…

Do we accept His help?

Do we even realize He’s there in the dirt with us…

He often sends the worldly voices away – do we notice?

I know we’d love it if He whisked us away to safety and fixed everything…

But He won’t, unless we ask…

And when we ask, He’ll help us through our struggle so we can learn, grow, and practice relying on Him more.

He’ll ease our burdens, and CHANGE US!

He’ll allow us to learn and teach us each step of the way, if we are willing to listen…

He doesn’t want us to stay there, in the dirt…

He wants to help lift us and then guide us.

Are you willing to be changed by Him?

This take time, effort, and faith… are you in?

–This might sound scary at first.  If you want to let Him in, but are not sure how, message me.  I can help you be hopeful, as you learn to do this.

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