Energy Healing

Energy is Neutral 

What do I mean? 

Energy is just energy.  

It doesn’t have an opinion, or a mind of its own.  

It’s not affiliated with a political party, cult or religious affiliation. 

It’s not evil or good… 

It’s just energy, is neutral. 

Its job is to obey the person commanding that energy; by what they choose to think and what mood they choose to be in. 

It’s called, “using our intention.” 

Energy healing has gotten a bad reputation by some. 

There are lots of different modalities and forms of “energy healing,” 
Furthermore, there are lots of different interpretations of how it should or can be done. 

I have interacted with lots of modalities, personalities, and opinions… 

This is what I’ve learned… 


It’s people’s intentions, views of life, personalities and opinions that help shape how this energy healing takes place. 

Some people, quite honestly, scare me. 

But I have met lots of people who truly care and are seeking the best for their clients. 

My advice: if you choose to seek out some energy healing modality… 

Go to someone you like, someone you trust, someone who holds the same values as you. 

Pray about it, and follow the spirit. The spirit will guide you to the person(s) that can help you best. 

Be careful, and cautious. Ask lots of questions. 

But don’t be fearful. 

Energy is not bad, it’s neutral!  


Learn New Life Skills 

The other part of your bodies healing process is to learn new life skills. 

In other words, we need to learn new, better, more loving ways of thinking and feeling so our body can stay at ease. 

Releasing the resentment towards someone, only to continue to resent them isn’t very productive. It just brings those negative emotions back. 

As a life coach, I also help my clients discover new patterns of thinking and feeling that can help them keep those negative emotions from coming right back. I also suggest ways they can learn to manage their human emotions in healthy ways, so they don’t become trapped again. 

In fact, that is why I write these posts… 

To help anyone willing, have more awareness of their thoughts and emotions; and create better patterns that are more in harmony with their perfect selves and Christ. 

Healing is a physical, emotional, mental, spiritual process. 

Spiritually it is repenting, and turning again toward Christ, and asking Him to be with us during the whole process. 

Mentally it is choosing a more loving way of thinking, acting, and being. 

Emotionally it is processing our body’s ability to handle all emotion, but in safe and healthy ways. 

This all physically manifests in our body, creating a state of ease or ‘dis-ease.’ 

In reality, it’s a daily process. 

Because we are humans, having a human experience. 

We try, fail, try again, learn, grow, practice, and keep going… 

And ultimate BECOME, who we were meant to be. 

We need Christ throughout the process,  

And we need each other, as He often shows His awareness of us through another person. 

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