Energy is Neutral

“Like energy,” attract “like energy.” This is the law of attraction. 

If you send happy energy out, you often find yourself surrounded by the happy energy of others. 

If you send complaining energy out, you often find yourself surrounded by people who are also complaining. 

So let’s say you are in a vibration of “believing”… 

Even though you can’t see that thing you are believing in yet, you are extending your faith that it will someday come into physical form for you. 

If you begin to doubt, the vibration changes and moves away from you. 

As imperfect humans, we fluctuate between believing and unbelieving all the time, and so we must practice staying in a state of “believing,’ or a state of faith. 

Faith is something we believe in, but we don’t see it – it doesn’t have matter yet. 

If you continue to believe, and act on your belief by taking simple action steps, what was once unseen is manifest and takes physical form. 

“after the trial of your faith comes the miracle.” 

Thus, our thoughts are also a vibration and help in the process of strengthening our faith. 

When we believe, we activate our faith. That faith helps us take action, and we move our energy into alignment with what we are trying to create in our lives. This also motivates us to take more action. If we keep at it, it will eventually manifest into a physical state. 

These are laws of thought and they work, whether we are aware of them or not. 

I believe God created the world to work this way, so we could have time to “experiment upon the word.” We could figure out how to develop stronger faith and move the energy around us. So we could become co-creators with God, and thus, become more like Him. 


Energy is Neutral 

What do I mean? 

Energy is just energy.  

It doesn’t have an opinion, or a mind of its own.  

It’s not affiliated with a political party, cult or religious affiliation. 

It’s not evil or good… 

It’s just energy, is neutral. 

Its job is to obey the person commanding that energy; by what they choose to think and what mood they choose to be in. 

It’s called, “using our intention.” 

Energy healing has gotten a bad reputation by some. 

There are lots of different modalities and forms of “energy healing,” 
Furthermore, there are lots of different interpretations of how it should or can be done. 

I have interacted with lots of modalities, personalities, and opinions… 

This is what I’ve learned… 


It’s people’s intentions, views of life, personalities and opinions that help shape how this energy healing takes place. 

Some people, quite honestly, scare me. 

But I have met lots of people who truly care and are seeking the best for their clients. 

My advice: if you choose to seek out some energy healing modality… 

Go to someone you like, someone you trust, someone who holds the same values as you. 

Pray about it, and follow the spirit. The spirit will guide you to the person(s) that can help you best. 

Be careful, and cautious. Ask lots of questions. 

But don’t be fearful. 

Energy is not bad, it’s neutral!  

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