Faith & Repentance

How do we go about doing the work of Salvation and Exaltation…

Live: the gospel of Jesus Christ

Wait, what is the “the gospel of Jesus Christ” exactly?

It’s  4 things: faith, repentance, ordinances, and enduring.

So, each topic became a mini study for me… let me share what stood out this time…


I tried to remember everything I’ve studied and learned over the years…

But going back to ‘the model’… I try to remember what is my part and what is Christ’s part…

C- No matter the Circumstances, my job is to…

T- Believe in Jesus Christ, His love, His character, is nature

This means that even though things may look like they are falling apart sometimes, I need to believe that they are actually falling into place… at the perfect time!  I need to turn my will over to Him and…

F- Trust Him and have Hope

Christ’s job is to provide me with power, strength, comfort and inspiration.

If I watch and listen for that inspiration, and

A-act on those promptings

R- I will receive blessings

Together, He helps me move any mountain I need moved…

Mountains of doubt, fear, frustration, loneliness, anger, resentment, etc.

This is the POWER of faith in Jesus Christ!


The next part to Living the Gospel of Jesus Christ is REPENTANCE.

A misunderstood principle to so many.

President Nelson recently said, “Find JOY in daily repentance!”

That’s because repenting isn’t a penance or a punishment…

It’s an opportunity to turn back to Christ…

And that’s wonderful, because He always knows what’s best for us.

It’s also an opportunity to change…

To change our thinking, to feel better, and to act more loving…

To improve our relationships, to deepen our patience, faith, and trust.

To submit to God’s will and His wonderful life for us!

Repentance is filled with JOY if we look at it from the correct perspective.

Because God doesn’t want to yell at us or punish us!  He wants to bless us!

Yes, there are natural consequences for our actions and justice and mercy have their place…

But at the end of the day, God isn’t mad or yelling at us…

He’s so happy we came to Him and He’s waiting to hug us and help us improve.

Repentance means to me…

I get to come to Him with all my struggles and He’ll help me.

I get to tell Him what worked and what didn’t and ask for His advice for next time.

When I’m stuck, He’s got ideas to get me going.

When I fail, He picks me up and gets me on my feet again.

If repenting means I get an excuse to be with Christ more often during my day – I’m all in! 

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