Growing Faith through Natural Laws

In the last general conference, President Nelson asked us to “increase our faith.”

Shortly after I felt prompted to revisit a book I read 10 or so years ago…

“Hidden Treasures” by Leslie Householder

It was time to revisit the principles/laws in that book and see…

What have I learned?

Where have I grown?

What’s next to learn, and where do I need to grow now?

In my opinion, the principles taught in this book help us develop FAITH…

Even in the uncertain times…

Even when it feels like everything is falling apart, instead of coming together…

It helps you believe, without any evidence…

And it teaches you how to “ask” – how to plant the seed.

This month I will share the “laws” in this book, and some lessons and stories from my own life.

–this book is free on Leslie’s website HERE, and her podcast is called “Rare Faith.”


First, let’s talk about “laws.”

When God created the earth, He set up laws to help govern it.

We often call these… “laws of nature,” and they are talked about in the scriptures as we study “the law of the harvest” and other related parables and scriptures.

In D&C 130:20-21 it says,

There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated – and when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated.

If you want BLESSINGS, you need to follow the laws that bring those BLESSINGS!

If you want good relationships, follow the laws that create and cultivate better relationships.

If you want prosperity, follow the laws that create prosperity.

If you want to be physically fit, follow that laws that help you become physically fit.

You get the point…

When we begin to live in harmony with these laws – miracles happen!

Learning about these laws and how to live them – takes faith!

So… what do you want? 

And… are you willing to learn about and start practicing the “laws” for the blessing(s) you seek?

I testify that God’s laws work!  I’ve learned about many of them and have practiced living them, and my life has been abundantly blessed as I keep practicing, learning and growing.  You can to!

–If you want to improve a relationship I have created a program teaching the laws of good relationship building.  If you want to reach your goals, and improve your circumstances, I’d love to help you out.  If you want good health, I can point you to some good health coaches.  What do you need?  Can I help or help you find the person you need to help you? Sign up HERE so we can chat.

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