#Happiness on Purpose [part4]

Here are the last few ideas in this series of blogs… I hope you’ve tried some of these and are feeling happier…

Physical Touch

My sister-in-law told me about this study she saw somewhere…

Everyone needs several hugs a day, each lasting 8 seconds, to live a happier life.

Curious, she decided to try it out…

Later she reported how much happier she is with her 3 little kids.

Naturally, this needs to be affection or snuggling you WANT!  (I love snuggles anytime!)

But, I get it, sometimes you would just love to have the kids stop climbing all over you!

However, when you WANT it… snuggles, hand holding, and hugs are a beautiful way to get small amounts of dopamine into your brain/body, and often build wonderful, healthy relationships.

Allow the loving affection to fill you up and smile during the process.

–Challenge: give or receive three, 8 second hugs today.  Eight seconds is longer than you think, but hold on and see if you feel happier afterwards.

Feel the Spirit

I’ll end with this one…

Feeling the spirit, however and whatever that looks like or feels like to you, is a wonderful, healthy way to get a dopamine hit.

It’s usually subtle and heart warming!

I crave connection with heaven.  I feel so much peace, joy, and love when I’m connected. 

Even in this crazy world we live in, it’s usually those subtle spiritual reminders that say,

“Smile!” because I can.

“Laugh!”  because it’s fun.

“Reach out and give that person a hug” because it feels good.

“Look at how blessed you are” because there is always something to be grateful for.

I’m so grateful for those “one-liners” the spirit reminds me of, that keep my smiling, and finding HAPPINESS in life.

–What does the spirit whisper to you to help you feel more happy?  If you are struggling to know what is the spirit and what is just you, message me and I can help you discover how the spirit speaks to YOU!

You were designed for HAPPINESS!

Yes, we experience hardships, trials, and struggles also…

It’s part of being human and it’s okay.

But you get to choose when you’re done feeling annoyed, frustrated, angry, resentful, worried, etc.

You get to choose when it’s time to bring HAPPINESS back into your life…

And what the balance should be.       

Let me just encourage you, especially with all the curve balls this last year has thrown us…

To practice CHOOSING HAPPINESS ON PURPOSE — more often.

You’ll get through your struggles easier…

You won’t make as many mountains out of mole hills…

You find people are good, kind, loving, and mostly united already.

You’ll find your life is more abundant than you thought.

You’re relationships will be sweeter!

You’ll enjoy more of your life!

It’s within your control!  Make it happen!

That is my hope for you! 

Ps–If you want to feel better and be happier, I can help!  This year has been rough, let me help you point your brain back towards HAPPINESS.  Message me and we’ll chat for 30 minutes.

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