Heaven Journaling

Heaven journaling is a combination of prayer, scripture study, writing/journaling, and personal revelation.

In fact, writing in my journal was one of the first ways I recognized the spirit guiding and directing me in my life.

Here are some things I learned along the way…

The spirit has a hard time getting it’s message to you if you are filled with negative thoughts and emotions.  By writing them down, forgiving yourself, and letting it go… it humbles you and make it easier for you to #hearhim

The spirit also has a hard time getting it’s message to you if you are full of thoughts, questions, and chaos.  Use pensive writing to get some of those thoughts and questions out, so there is room to receive inspiration.

If you aren’t getting answers, try changing your questions.

If you are angry, frustrated, overwhelmed, or resentful… work towards being curious and humble instead.

If you are asking for advice on how to change others, you will hear static.  Focus on YOUR thoughts and YOUR emotions.  Be willing to go first… and the spirit will help YOU become a better person.  (often influencing your relationships and life in positive ways).

Often the Best revelations come AFTER you start writing!  So just start!!

Your intentions matter: the Lord knows if you will act on the answer you receive or ignore it.

“When you receive God’s will, you receive His power to do His will.”  Elder Scott

We have books of scripture because regular people heeded the call to ‘write’ (Bible, Book of Mormon, D&C, etc.). 

Some of these scriptures are letters written between family members or a people, some are a history of events from their perspective, some are a record of dreams and visions. 

They didn’t come in order, or make sense at the time.  They messed up the grammar and spelling as they wrote…

If the Lord could teach generations through these writings, think what the Lord could teach YOU if you decided to start writing…

–Pick any tool I shared this month.  Pray for inspiration to be taught through that tool.  Listen, learn, obey.  Message me anytime if you’d like to share your experience – I’d love to hear it!

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