How Energy Affects Manifesting

The Space Between Nothingness and Physical Form

I recently learned that the space surrounding the nucleus of an atom is energy…

But even more than that, it is POTENTIAL energy.

Given the size of the nucleus to the atom the empty space is huge, and so the potential for that atom to make an impact on the whole is also huge.

Given the little effort we put into manifesting miracles, our Father in Heaven surely wants to bless us with more if we are willing to receive it.

“If ye then… know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father who is in heaven give good things to them that ask him? -3 Nephi 14:11

The effort, time, and energy you put into asking, believing, and managing your thoughts and emotions through all of that, is not wasted time.

It is valuable!

It just might be the piece you are missing.

Yes, there is a space of time between what we think we want (in the unseen realm) and what shows up in our physical reality.

This is a gift.

This space between is part of “the trial of our faith.”

It tests us to see if we can keep believing, and hold onto our faith, and repent so we can come into alignment with what we want and allow the patterns and processes to proceed.

This is the time where we experience the most growth in our lives also.


Every person has an electromagnetic field with a vibration that sends a signal out into the world…and we are constantly sending messages out.

The universe is full of this potential life force and creative energy.

Energy, that if harnessed, has the power to create anything we want in life, including Zion.

Your thoughts are the most powerful mechanism for controlling your vibration.  Our mental function is at a higher vibration than our emotional state, meaning our minds vibrate faster than our feelings.

I see this in myself, when my mind lists ideas and processes faster than I can write them down or even say them.

Our feelings slow that vibration down and help us emotionalize the experience, allowing us to feel what that life would be like before we have created it.

This is a great advantage, because we can image what it might be like ahead of time, giving us time to decide if we really do want what we think we do.

Perhaps you decide, you don’t want that lifestyle after all; then you have the freedom to imagine a different one without upending your entire life to try again.

Trying on different thoughts and ideas in our minds first, helps us decide if those ideas are in line with our long-term goals.

And if our long-term goals are to live with God and our families in a state of exalted glory, we can decide ahead of time if those lifestyle ideas fit with this goal.

We spend a great deal of time, as children, pretending and trying on different forms of play: firefighter, jet pilot, mommy, engineer, teacher, artist, etc.

Over time we discover what we enjoy most and focus more thought and energy in that direction as we gain more understanding and knowledge in those subjects.

Over time we settle into this lifestyle and stop pretending and stop dreaming, or at least not consciously.

Maybe it’s time we re-awaken that make believe play and intentionally use it to create a lifestyle we truly love!

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