Immersion & Enduring

As I pondered this I remembered the first covenant we make through baptism…

I was reminded that we are fully immersed in water…

Fully immersed in Jesus Christ, and it made me wonder…

How much Jesus do I want in my life?

A toe, up to my waist, or ALL IN!

I’ve pondered this…

The reality is, I WANT to be all in, all the time…

But often I’m only waist deep…

Or I’m so wrapped up in life I discover I am only a toe in, and I am struggling.

The other day I was faced with two good decisions…

Play games with family or go to a fireside…

Faced with this choice other times, sometimes I chose family and sometimes I chose the fireside…

But this day, I knew I needed more Jesus!

My spirit must have known what was going to be said in that fireside and that I needed to hear it!

The words brought the hope, peace and excitement I had been looking for.

I needed to be fully immersed in more Jesus!

–How much Jesus do you want to be immersed in?  Where are you at right now?  What could you do to be more in?  These are great questions to ponder periodically.  Then adjust as needed.


What does enduring to the end look like in a life?

Immediately I thought, “just keep practicing these principles: faith, repentance and choosing more Jesus!”

As we practice we grow and we Become!

We Become more like our Savior and more like our Father in Heaven – which was the whole reason we came down here in the first place!

Here are some key things I have come to know as I continue “enduring…”

  1. Invite Christ into your journey more often
  2. Listen for His voice (be comforted, feel loved, and obey)
  3. Build a stronger relationship with Him
  4. Notice where He shows up in your journey and be glad of it
  5. See the miracles!!

Enduring to the end, isn’t a check-list of do’s and don’ts…

It’s a way of living!

Hardships come, to give us experiences, it’s part of the plan (even though I don’t like it)…

But enduring well, is enduring with Christ by our side through the good and the bad, or the happy and sad.

Let’s find joy in the journey!

Let’s endure well.

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