Intention and Questions

Everything begins with a desire…

What do you want?

Do you want to be part of the body of Christ; part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints?  Or not?

Why?  Why not?

What do you hope you will find in or outside the church?

The answer to these questions for me is…

YES-I want to be part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints!

Not because I think it is easy (there are expectations), or the people are perfect (because they are not), or that it won’t take any work or effort on my part (because it does).

But because it makes life easier (though I haven’t always thought this), as I GROW INTO the principles and way of living!

I expect to have challenges and hard times…

I expect to struggle with relationships and work to make them better…

I expect to have questions, concerns, and be confused sometimes…

That’s part of this human experience…

But, I have found that these struggles are much easier to handle as better understand and strive to live the gospel principles.

As I strive to pray daily, study the words of Christ and understand what that looks like, and look for the power of Christ and miracles promised…

The difficulties I face, don’t feel so hard and I am happier and more hopeful as I navigate this life.

So what do you want?  Why? and What do you hope to find?


Let’s talk about questions…

Several years ago, I was prompted to “ask for the gift of asking better questions.”

This gift has been one of my most valuable tools in seeking answers to mine and other’s questions.

Perhaps you would like to ask for this gift of the spirit also…

First of all, questions are GOOD!

And just because you have questions, doesn’t mean you don’t have a testimony.

In fact, the scriptures are filled with the stories of people who had testimonies and questions…and aren’t we grateful they did!

In fact, if we want to grow the Lord EXPECTS us to ask questions and seek for answers!

So, how about a little guidance on asking better questions…

1.Ask INSPIRED questions – in other words, ask the Lord what questions are going to lead you to the answers you seek. 

It’s okay to make a habit of asking the Lord, “what is the best question to ask as I seek for answers concerning (fill in the blank).”

Inspired questions, receive inspired answers!

2.Next, ask your questions WITH FAITH. 

Expect the answers to come (even if not immediately), as you continue seeking, reading scriptures, and following other promptings those answers will come – sometimes all at once, but often in little bits and pieces as you grow into the understanding.

3. Finally, ask your questions to CREDIBLE SOURCES. 

You can find any answer you want depending on who you talk with in this world, and anyone will help you justify what you want…

But as Latter-Day Saints we seek answers and understanding from the Lord. 

And often He guides us to look for answers in the scriptures, conference talks, and other good books.

So, pray for inspiration on what to read, who to listen to, and always ask, “how does this bring me closer to Jesus Christ.”

The best resources are out there, but so are many misleading one’s.

Prayerfully consider your sources.

Questions are vital, because the spiritual wrestle leads us to answers, knowledge, revelation and ultimately to greater faith and deeper relationship with Him.

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