Lean into Adversity with Faith

Let’s look at a simple example of facing adversity with faith in Jesus Christ… found in the scriptures…

Nephi, Laman and Lemuel went through the same adversities leaving the land of Jerusalem, traveling in the wilderness, building a boat, and sailing to a promised land…

Yet their recorded experiences were VERY different…

Laman and Lemual’s model:
C- wandering in the wilderness
T- This stupid, senile old man drug us out here to suffer.  We could be at home with all our stuff and prospering in luxury.
F- resentful, angry
A- complain, murmur, cause contention
R- Suffered as they wandered in the wilderness.

Nephi’s model:
C- wandering in the wilderness
T- This might not be ideal, but I trust my father and I trust the Lord.
F- trust, hope, confidence
A- did what was necessary to survive in the wilderness; including learned new skills and prayed for guidance often.
R- grew in His relationships with the Lord, learned many knew things, became a leader, saved His family.

Same circumstances, totally different results – fascinating!

In reality, sometimes we are like Nephi (yah) and sometimes we are like Laman and Lemuel.

What do we learn?

If we focus on the Savior more, and lean into life with faith in Him…

Even though life doesn’t always look ideal, it can work for our GOOD!


Even though the word “adversity” makes us cringe or want to hide under a rock…

There is purpose in adversity.

So let’s list the good things we gain from facing adversity with faith:

If we use adversity for our GOOD, we can learn patience, faith, hope, better thoughts, and how to work WITH our emotions.

If we don’t resist or try to avoid adversity, we can learn and grow INTO who we were always meant to become.

If we lean into adversity with faith, we enter into a deep relationship with Christ and we learn to trust Him.  This gives us a greater sense of peace and understanding as we navigate life’s challenges.

If we choose to look for the good in the adversity, we can be taught higher and holier ways of thinking.  Which will lead us to feeling better more often, and responding with confidence and faith in life.

As we learn to OVERCOME adversity, we don’t just talk about receiving the greatest blessings the Lord wants to give us… we BECOME the type of people who know how to RECEIVE those great blessings!

All this to say, I don’t go looking for adversity (lol)!

But when it comes knocking, because surely it does…

I will have a healthy way of navigating the storms it brings- and I can experience more JOY and less suffering!

Maybe next time you are faced with adversity, step back… look at the big picture…proceed with humility and faith… expect to change and learn and grow… enjoy the journey as much as you can… and manage the less fun parts with faith. 

I testify these things are true and I hope this helps you on your journey.

–If you’d like more help navigating this process, as always, message me and we’ll chat.

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