Lessons from Light

It’s the season of candles and twinkle lights…

Last December I talked about HOW to bring more light into your life…

This December I want to share LESSONS from LIGHT.

As a photographer, I have come to appreciate light in the most wonderful way and have learned many lessons that are easily applicable to our lives.

Photography means “painting with light.”

Thus LIGHT is everything!

The Savior teaches, “Ye are the light of the world,” and asks us to “let our light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”

(Matt. 5:14, 16)

Your light is everything also!

Different types of lighting situations make a subtle impact on the outcome of a picture.

Likewise, the light that we shine makes subtle impacts in our lives as well as others.


Flash Lighting vs. Continuous Lighting

In FLASH photography you get a brief and intense beam of light for a portion of a second.

It is most often used when capturing shots with moving people, or in place where there isn’t enough light to paint a good picture.

Sometimes we experience brief upsets in life, like an unexpected circumstance or when someone says something we didn’t like.

It upsets our life for a few moments.

Often we ask for a brief, powerful FLASH of heavenly light to help us make it through.

But soon it resolves, we lose focus, our priorities shift back, and we go back to living with less light again.

This is not necessarily bad, just an observation…

Though powerful at first, it is not lasting and not useful in seeing clearly for long periods of time, however…

CONTINUIOUS lighting is longer lasting, consistent, and dependable.

It lets you see the effect on the object/subject you are photographing before you take the picture.

Jesus Christ is our continuous flow of light; consistent and dependable.

The scriptures witness that “He is the light and life of the world.” (Mosiah 16:9)

Through Him, we can feel of God’s love for us and receive direction through ANY circumstance we find ourselves in.

He is there through the rough times and the easy times.

He is continuously lighting our lives and giving us direction, purpose, and comfort.

Though we might need brief bursts of spiritual light in some circumstances, we also need Jesus Christ as our continuous flow of constant life giving us direction in life.


Proximity to Light Matters

Even though we can see a spot of light from far away, often giving us hope…

It won’t illuminate US… until we are closer to it.

In photography proximity matters!

The closer your subject is to the source of light, the brighter your subject becomes.

This is also true of life.

The closer we come to Jesus Christ, who is the source of light in our lives, the more His light impacts us.

As we spend more time growing our relationship with Jesus Christ we become more illuminated by His light.

And how do we grow our relationship with Jesus Christ?

I’ve found that by consistently praying, studying my scriptures with inspired questions and curiosity, and making and keeping covenants with intensity and consistency I feel the light and love of God in my life.

These might seem simple and mundane, but they are FOUNDATIONAL principles!  Upon these things we build our relationship and testimony of Jesus Christ.

I am reminded that “that which is of God is light; and he that recieveth light, and continueth in God, recieveth more light; and that light growth brighter and brighter until the perfect day” (D&C 50:24).

Meaning, as we come unto Him, we become illuminated by His light and come into closer relationships with Him!

Proximity to Jesus Christ matters and that is up to us! –If you are reading scriptures and praying, coming closer to Christ, but are still struggling to feel His love for you, message me.  There is something blocking your ability to feel His love for you, let’s figure it out so you can feel His love again.

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