Love the Middle

“Doubting is not synonymous with having questions. To doubt is to reject truth and faith.”

“While the Lord will reveal many things to us, He has never told His covenant people everything about everything.”

We are asked to “doubt not, but be believing” – Mormon 9:27-28

“But ‘doubting not’ does not mean we understand everything.” -Sheri Dew, 2016

We are people of faith and are asked to have faith. 

Faith it to BELIEVE in something you cannot see…

Faith says, “I will BELIEVE first.  I will DO THE WORK to find out if it’s true.  And I will eventually COME TO KNOW.”  Faith takes effort and patience. 

Doubting takes little effort or patience or wrestling.

Pres. Uchdorf said, “Doubt your doubts! Not your faith!”

One will move you forward on your journey; one will cause you to lose momentum and or get stuck in a place you don’t really want to land in.

Some prefer to nurse their doubts and find others to nurse their doubts with them.  A group of people who nurse their doubts are like crabs in a bucket.  They keep each other from climbing out or experiencing faith.  Be wary of this.  You may feel a sense of belonging for a time, but when you want to move on, the climb out is increasingly difficult (though not impossible).

Instead look for people who are trying to improve and grow.  Who are curious and excited about the principles of the gospel.  Together you can ask questions, seek for answers, and lift one another to higher and holier laws.

To have faith is to ENGAGE in a cycle of believing and acting; growing in knowledge and truth. 

It is worth wrestling with this cycle over and over again, because as you do, you will come closer to Christ; and ultimatly become like Christ.

As you choose faith over doubt, you become a SEEKER OF TRUTH!

And a seeker of truth allows themselves to be changed.  They have faith, repent daily, hold to covenants, and feel the power of those covenants supporting them.

A doubter tends to justify where they are and resists change.


Life is all about engaging in the wrestle…

The wrestle with school and career, the wrestle of raising children or teenagers, the wrestle of building relationships, the wrestle with health, etc.

And so it is, as we engage in the wrestle for our testimonies.

Often we begin by feeling motivated and excited, and eager to get started.

At the end we feel accomplished, fulfilled, and grateful.

But most of the time is spent IN THE MIDDLE.

And the middle isn’t always the most comfortable part, though it has its joys along the way.

But the middle is often filled with questions, uncertainties, discomfort, wrestling, work, effort, and time.

Most of these emotions and actions we try to avoid (by our human nature) or experience as little as possible.

The natural man says, “that’s not easy, it’ll be uncomfortable, and it will take forever.”  The human brain warns us of discomfort and tries to keep us safe by avoiding it. 

Satan adds to that discomfort by suggesting stories that distract us, give the illusion of comfort in the now, and stunt our growth.  Don’t buy those stories!  They will slow you down and stop your progress towards heaven.

Overcome these natural man tendencies to avoid discomfort and uncertainty.

Instead, ENAGAGE! 

Engage in the process of building a stronger testimony…with Jesus Christ as your guide…

Just like you engage in your math class, or raising those little ones, or loving your teenagers, or moving up in that career.


The middle is where the growth is!

And it’s where we grow into more relationship with Jesus Christ.

It’s where the prayer and pondering is…

It’s where the conversations and questions are.

I purpose we decide the middle is tons of fun!!!

Instead of dreading the middle, let’s choose to be excited about the process!

Let’s choose curiosity!

Expect ups and downs (that always happen in the middle) and don’t make them mean you are failing.  Instead, see them as a part of the learning, growing, changing, becoming process – to be expected and to overcome.

and choose gratitude for all the little lessons along the way.


Personal revelation is the key to receiving answers to your questions! And is part of ENGAGING!

“Growing spiritually and receiving answers to our questions depends upon your ability to feel, hear, and understand the whisperings of the spirit.” –Sherri Dew

Engage in the wrestle of learning to receive personal revelation.

Let the Spirit will bear witness to your hearts and minds (AKA: thoughts/emotions) and be ready to hear and act.

Revelation itself can be a wrestle, as it often includes both inspiring thoughts, and lots of emotions eventually landing on humility, peace, and comfort.  This can seem like a roller coaster…

Receiving personal revelation is a principle we must grow into…

It takes time, effort, questions, listening to the spirit, and pondering to know what personal revelation looks like, feels like and sounds like to you.

And not just a one-time revelation, but a constant, steady flow of help from heaven.

But, feeling the presence of the spirit and discerning revelation are different things.

If you feel the presence of the Holy Ghost, ask the Holy Ghost to teach you the language of revelation, and keep up the habits that help you come closer to God (prayer, scripture study, attending church, attending the temple, etc.)

As you spend time working at this relationship, immersed in the scriptures and becoming more pure, LISTEN!

Ask the Lord to help understand what it FEELS like and SOUNDS like when the Holy Ghost is speaking to you and watch how He mentors you!  It’s exciting!

When the Lord sees you engage in the wrestle and want to communicate with Him – He will teach you!!

To gain this kind of revelation we must be continually working on our relationship with our Savior.

We need continued blessings and communication with God if we are to navigate this world successfully… and especially in these times!

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