Manifesting Our Dream Home

Where to begin?

Let’s start with the story of how we got into our miracle home J

Backstory:  for many years I have had several different pictures of my “dream home” on my vision board.  Over the years I had learned what style of floor plan I wanted and an idea of the yard size.  I for sure knew what I wanted my home to feel like and what experiences I wanted to have in that home. 

My husband had been searching for his dream job for several months by now, but kept feeling like there was something for him in SanPete County, Utah.

One weekend, while visiting family who lives in SanPete, my husband and I decided to go for a drive and just see… “if we were to live here, what neighborhoods do we like?”  As we drove around I noticed I felt “heavy” and “light” in certain neighborhoods. I’ve learned that this feeling of heavy/light is my intuition talking to me.

I told my husband, “I don’t know what this means, but I felt “light, bright and happiest” in that neighborhood.”  He commented that he felt the same.  Not knowing what that meant and with no job leads we just stored that interesting information in our brains.

Also, on our drive, we ran into friends that had moved up from Cedar a few months before.  They happened to be working in their yard so we stopped and talked with them.  We learned that the father had the information for the employer my husband had been trying to get a hold of in that area. 


That week my husband called the owner.  They were not hiring, but interesting in my husband’s skill set, so they set up an interview.  A week later he went up for the interview and they were so impressed, they offered him a job…HIS DREAM JOB!

Long story short (you can read about it in THIS blog post) we moved to SanPete County into my in-laws basement. 

It was a challenging time, but I also felt like all the pieces to our big dreams were coming together and I was so excited! 

With my business packed in a storage unit, I had lots of time to talk with realtors and financial advisors about homes.  Needless to say, the home hunt was discouraging.  Either the homes were trashed, or they were out of our budget.  One day, we looked through a series of homes.  One was too small with a great backyard, another was just right with a tiny backyard, one wasn’t worth the investment, one was too much, etc.  It was like “almost, but not quite” with every home.

My realtor was a kind lady and she looked me in the eye and said, “You will know when you have found the right home- you will know!”  That phrase struck my heart and I knew she was right.

I looked in surrounding towns and at different price points.  Each time I came away discouraged. 

In fact, discouragement was my main emotion during this time.  I got really acquainted with it, meaning I coached myself through it almost daily.  I allowed the emotions to flow and I cried a lot.  I talked to my dad often (he’s always been my safety net for talking out my frustrations).

I began to noticed a pattern … when I felt discouraged and allowed my emotions to flow (meaning I acknowledge the feeling, described it to myself, didn’t try to change it or resist it, just allowed that I felt discouraged), the feeling left me.  And in its place, a new idea or new hope would spring up.  I often felt inspired to talk to someone new or do something different.

One day, after allowing discouragement, I felt like I should draw my old home in Cedar (which I did love) and add the features I wished it had to it (AKA a basement).  As I drew, hope and excitement replaced discouragement.  I felt inspired to draw things I hadn’t considered before.  Then I taped it above my headboard in the bedroom (since my vision board was also packed away).  I poured gratitude for this home into it, as if I already had it.  I wasn’t sure this was the right path for us, but it helped restore my belief that “the universe was rearranging itself for my highest good” and “the Lord wanted to bless me with my righteous desires.”

One afternoon my MIL talked to me about a home she heard was just vacated by renters.  She wasn’t sure if it was up for rent or sale but we decided it was worth looking into.  We got the contact information and called to set up a time to look at the home. 

My first impression of the home was, “It’s perfect, but it’s too big! This can’t be right.” It was a beautiful home, with the right floor plan, and a wonderful yard. He wanted to sell it, for a price we couldn’t do, but were willing to rent it also.  I heard a voice in my head say, “If you rented this home it would be a great blessing to him and to your family.”  Interesting.

Later I told my mother my first impression and she said, “Oh you’d have no problem growing into it.”  That came back to me over and over, during the next two weeks.  Like the universe/God was trying to tell me, “I want you to grow into this home.” 

Still, we pursued our ideas to build until they came to a dead end.  At that point, I was struggling desperately with living in my MIL home.  Though I love my MIL, we do life and think about life very differently, and it was very hard emotionally and mentally for me to be there.

One evening I was at the end of my rope; discouraged, frustrated, angry, etc.  I prayed and talked with my husband.  Despite the concerns we had we decided to accept the offer of renting that home.  Immediately after, I felt peace settle into my heart.  A peace I had been searching for, for six weeks. 

A week and a half later, we moved into this beautiful home.  It is MORE than we hoped for.  I was reminded that God wants to give His children the “best” gifts, and when we BELIEVE anyway (despite the overwhelming evidence that it’s not there) He blesses us with even more than we asked for. 

I learned these eternal truths.  You can call them laws of the universe, law of nature, or laws of God, they work the same… 

  1. We must ASK for what we want.  We ask by putting it on a vision board, imagining it being ours, feeling as if it is ours, writing about it and praying about it. 
  2. We must BELIEVE it can be ours and that it already is ours.  This is usually the hardest part, because the evidence that “it’s not ours” is pretty obvious to our brain.  But we have to be willing to believe anyway.  I had friends and family telling me to “just settle for something smaller or something to get us by for a few years,” as well as, the overwhelming evidence that I was still living in my in-laws basement.  I had all the sorrow of leaving everything I loved in another town and the hardship of making new friends and helping my kids transition all piled up at once.  Yet, I chose to believe anyway!
  3. Take INSPIRED ACTION!  The Lord cannot steer a parked car, you must keep moving to be lead in the right direction.  And I say INSPIRED ACTION, because those are the actions that move us closer to what we want.  Note: those INSPIRED ACTIONS didn’t always make logical sense; like drawing a house plan for 3 days when the universe had no intention on me building it.  But it did reignite my BELIEF that it was just around the corner.  Or looking into a home that weren’t sure was available.
  4. Stay OPEN MINDED.  Your blessing may not show up the way you thought it should.  I thought I would buy this home.  Turns out we should rent it for a time (still hoping to buy it someday soon).
  5. Be willing to MANAGE NEGATIVE EMOTION, over and over, because on the other side of that allowing is inspiration, hope and new ideas.  Then BELIEVE again in that hope!  Repeat!  This was a daily thing for me, it was turbulent and rocky, but worth the effort.  I was even told, “you shouldn’t be crying like this.”  But I knew that I actually should feel negative emotion and let it flow (in healthy ways) and I knew that the new idea, inspired action step and hope was through the emotion.  Expect to see that new idea or renewed hope!
  6. Notice SUBLTE PROMPTINGS:  the “light” feeling I had in that neighborhood is where our home is J  Those phrases that kept returning to my mind were subtle directions that lead me to our home. 
  7. Say YES and be GRATEGUL!  Make the decision and trust it!  It’s been a few months now and I still am overcome with gratitude for this miracle and blessing.  But even more, I’m grateful for the experience that taught me about the power of BELIEVING!

These are steps, but they aren’t always in this order and are often going on at the same time.  Just be aware of them and go with whatever one you need as you move along your path.

This is the biggest thing I have ever manifested, but I have seen the same pattern happen previously with smaller desires.  Those smaller desires are great for practicing, use them as stepping stones. 

As I move forward with my next vision, guess what I am coming up against?  The same pattern of asking, believing, taking inspired action, staying open minded, managing negative emotions often, noticing subtle promptings, and saying yes again.  You can do this too, just keep practicing.

There you have it!  I hope this gave you the inspiration you needed to keep moving forward toward what you want in your life.  Share in the comments what stuck out to you and if you were inspired to do anything- I’d love to hear about it.

PS  If you are interested in being coached towards the things you want to manifest, sign up HERE for a FREE 15 minute mini session.

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