Manifesting Zion

Several years ago, I was wondering what the Lord wanted me to do with this new learning I was receiving and loving so much!

As I was preparing what I thought was going to be a 5-minute presentation for a Facebook page, what came out on paper was quite different.

It ended up being a personal ministry manifesto, or a life mission.

I heard very clearly, “Sharina, use what you have learned to help prepare the minds and hearts of the children of men for Christ’s millennial reign.”

Of course, I had to practice applying these mindset principles to myself first, until I had a “good enough” handle on them that I felt I had experiences to draw from to share with others.

Then I took these principles to my family and friends and studied to become life coach.

Since then, I have shared these principles with different types of communities and in different settings throughout the years.  One of those has been to write Facebook posts for several years now.  Recently I felt called to turn those posts into this book (sneaky Heavenly Father getting me to write a book J)

I truly believe that these simple principles and patterns are how we will lock Satan out of our hearts and homes, and this will be what binds him for 1000 years.

I believe that if we are all working to improve ourselves, our families, and our communities we can (manifest) draw Zion down to us or go up to meet them (whatever that’s supposed to look like).

I believe these patterns are here to HELP us!  If we will be willing practice using them.

I don’t believe we have to be perfect at them before He comes.

Just that if our hearts are in the right place, we are trying, and calling upon Him for daily help –that is enough!

He will make up for our imperfections.  He will multiply our efforts.  He will be in the journey with us.

Also, we can create and live in Zion in our homes and communities, even if Christ isn’t physically here with us.

If we are privileged enough to be here when He comes again, we will be those “people who are ABLE, READY, AND WORTHY to receive the Lord when he comes again…

We will have proven by our efforts, not our perfection, that we have “ALREADY CHOSEN CHRIST over this fallen world (because we keep practicing overcoming that natural man)…

And “a people who REJOICE in their agency (and responsibility) to live the higher, holier laws of Jesus Christ.” –Nelson

And if we do, we will, with the Lord, fill our lives with more power from on high, and be blessed with “greater peace, confidence, joy, and rest!”  Just as our prophet has promised.

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