Natural Health [part 1]

I’m a big fan of natural healing techniques.  I love essential oils, homeopathics, tinctures, energy healing in many forms, etc.  I like knowing that I have the power and knowledge to help my family, before they see a doctor (if they see one at all).  And I have treatments I can use to help my family start healing immediately.

However, I also think traditional medicine (when used appropriately) has its place also.

Recently I was watching several videos of doctors talking about what treatments they are using for Covid-19.  I had an overwhelming surge of gratitude for these doctors and the information they presented.

This information made me think, “What natural treatments do I have that would do the same things there medicines are doing?” 

So I thought I would share some of the natural healing treatments my family uses and have been for years.  I will be posting these natural healing things throughout the next couple weeks so stay tuned.

**Disclaimer: in these next few bits you will hear “Sharina speak” as I describe these natural healing methods in my own language (that could be entertaining).  If you are interested in learning more about something, message me and I can give you more details. 

I am not a doctor!  I do not diagnose or prescribe anything.  I am just sharing what works for me and my family. I hope that maybe you’ll find an answer to one of your questions or feel prompted to look into something a little more. 

This is my first “go to” when someone is starting to feel yucky. 

It doesn’t taste great, but it is packed full of natural things that have proven to help with lots of aliments… inflammation, infection, aches, fever, etc.  It helps to eliminate virus, bacteria, fungus or yeast.

How to use it:  if you feel any illness coming on, take 1-2 T. of this stuff and keep taking it every 3-5 hours till you feel better.

It reduces aches and helps the body combat illness and heal faster. 

My kids don’t like the way it tastes, but they know it works and they are willing to do it anyway. (wink)  They’ll even go get it themselves, without my coaxing.

If you’d like the recipe, send me an email at and I’ll send it right over.

There are lots of great oils out there and many different brands.  I use Butterfly Express oils, just my preference; and I like how they have tons of blends to choose from.  If anyone knows the close comparison to these in other brands, please share in the comments to help others out.

Also, don’t get overwhelmed by the amount of information.  My journey into using essential oils, started off with 4 oils aimed at helping my family get over the flu quicker.  After a few months, I added a couple others.  Over time I learned what worked for my family and what didn’t.  I still don’t know about them all, but I did discover what I needed to know to help my family.  You can do it to.

Kefer is a natural probiotic!  And a “super food” with lots of other nutrients in it.

It assists in healing the gut (which houses 83% of your immune system), by replenishing the good bacteria in your body, and providing other essential nutrients.

I have a water one right now, but I have used a milk one before also.  I like them both.

You can drink ¼ cup or more of this every day, or whenever you think about it.  I tend to be better at having my family drink it often during the winter, because of flu season; and I forget about it in the summer.   See, I’m not perfect; I use it when I need it most.  You can to.

Tinctures — are a combination of concentrated herbs that have been soaked, and contain the healing properties of the herbs inside them.  They also tend to work faster and more effectively than herbal teas.

I can only name a handful of herbs and what they are good for, so I am grateful for these tinctures that make it simpler for me. (wink)

Homeopathics — is a form of vibrational healing.

Everything is energy – including you!  And you have a specific vibration that is who you are.  When your natural vibration is off, you get sick or have other issues.

These homeopathics are highly diluted substances with a vibration.  The goal is to trigger the body’s own natural healing system into action… returning you to your natural vibration.

That’s all for this blog post (two more to come).  It’ll get you started.  Remember not to worry about them all at once.  Just start off with what looks familiar or interesting to you.  Build one upon another and soon enough you’ll have your own stash.

If you have any questions send me an email at

Love and Light,

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