Natural Health [part 2]

Continuing on from the last post…          

Foot zoning aides the body’s natural ability to heal itself… (trusting that your body knows best how to heal you)

By clearing out emotional and mental stress (which is caused by “thinking” and “feeling” like us humans do)

Triggering all the physical systems of the body to work at optimal levels (because the body systems work TOGETHER for the best life)

And connecting to the spiritual blueprint of abundance (connecting you to your divine self that is good and perfect).

I call it the “one stop healing,” because it helps with physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing all at once; and it puts your body in the driver’s seat to know what to heal and how best to do that for you!

If you would like to try this healing modality, and you are local to me, give me a call or email me

I am a certified foot zone practitioner!

Emotions are chemical reactions in the body; meaning they have an effect on the body because they release chemicals into the body.

Emotions come from what we are “thinking.” 

Thoughts that anger us, release “anger chemicals” into the body, which can serve us in small doses but can cause problems in large doses.

Thoughts that bring us joy, release “dopamine and other joy chemicals” into the body, causing us to feel a sense of joy and well being.

Every thought you have, creates an emotion, which releases chemicals into the body and affects your state of health (good or bad). 

Thankfully our bodies were designed to manage both positive and negative emotions just fine.

An excess of negative emotions, however, can cause health problems for us over time.

Learning to manage your thoughts and emotions in a healthy and balanced way, will go a long way in aiding your physical health.

That’s all for this blog post (one more to come).  These two are my personal favorites to talk and teach about; and I’ve been trained in both of them. If you are interested in learning more about either one contact me at

Love and Light,

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