Natural Health [part 3]

This is the last blog in a series of three… continuing on…

Drink plenty of WATER! 

You are also an electromagnetic system (cool huh) and your body needs WATER to send its signals throughout your systems.  If you don’t get enough water – you body will not function as well as it could. 

I’ve often found that pain is a signal your body gives you to say, “HELP, I’m DEYDRATED!” 

When you get hydrated, the pain goes away (I could tell you some cool stories about this).

Here’s the best formula for getting the right amount of water for you :

You need to be drinking ½ your body weight – in ounces. 

Example: If you weight 200 lbs you need to drink 100 oz. of water daily.

If you are working in strenuous conditions or heat, you need more.

If you are a soda drinker (yes, I’m going there).  However many oz. of soda you drink, you need to drink that in water TWICE just to bring your body back into balance (in other words- the soda and the water here doesn’t count towards your daily oz. of needed water, it’s all extra).

Sound overwhelming?  It did to me at first to.

I tried lots of ways to get my water in before I finally landed on this simple system (you might laugh)…

I have a glass of water in my bathroom.  My rule is, ‘I cannot leave the bathroom unless I drink a full glass of water.’  This causes me to need use the restroom again, and then drink another glass of water, then use the restroom again, repeat. 

When I follow this system I am able to get the right amount of water I need and it doesn’t take too much extra brain power.  Give it a try!

Chakras – are part of your ‘subtle body’ or energy body.  Sounds woo-woo right… stay with me.

We are surrounded by energy in the form of colors, sound, vibrations, etc.  It’s all energy, and you are energy organized — into “you.”

Meridians are energy pathways in and around the body; CHAKRAs are intense focal points of that energy.

To keep this short and simple…

You have 7 main chakra centers from your tailbone to your head.

When one or more of your chakras are out of balance you do not operate as your best self.

By working with these chakras you can help rebalance your energy centers.

There are many ways to do this.  Sometimes I use gemstones and guided chakra meditations; but just being aware of what they are and a few simple facts about each, can help you use every day activities to keep you in balance.

For example: if you are feeling scattered and unfocused, go for a walk to help ground you.  This strengthens your root chakra and helps you get focused again.

Another example: if you start getting a scratchy throat, notice if there was something you wanted/needed to say sometime and didn’t say it.  Write your thoughts on a piece of paper instead or express yourself with someone you trust.  This strengthens your throat chakra and balances your need for expression; and often the scratchy throat goes away.

It’s easy to find information on chakras, and it’s not complex.  Pick one a day for a week and read for 20  minutes about it.

I also have an online chakra course you can take if you are interested in learning more.  Email at 

Gemstones — are a simple way to help you maintain good health emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.

Gemstones have different healing and energy signatures.  Some help with focus, some help with joy, some with expression and love. Like herbs, they were placed on this earth by God to BLESS His children.

They can be used simply by wearing them as jewelry or placing them in your pocket.

You can use them in more complex ways also, some of which I have shared in previous posts.

For example: ‘tourmaline’ is a good stone for protection (and who couldn’t use a little extra protection these days from our chaotic world).  No it’s not a physical weapon to protect you, it’s more subtle. Sometimes I feel the heaviness of the world on me, when I put this stone in my pocket it helps lift that heaviness, allowing me to show up as a better me.  Thank you Heavenly Father for the extra lift J

Learning about gemstones is easy also.  Just search them in Google or Pinterest and you’ll find all kinds of information. Use the gift of discernment to search the information and let the spirit guide you. 

Heavenly Father wants to bless His children and has provided so many ways to do this.  Let’s say YES to some of these opportunities, follow the spirit, use these tools with gratitude, discernment and love; and marvel at the miracles they aid in bringing – always giving thanks to God!

Our bodies and energy systems are so amazing!

Every time I think about all these things, I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for creating the complex system that is “me” and “you.”  Individual and unique.

And that He has ‘allowed’ us to learn all these things about our bodies and energy systems in hopes that we will use them for good, and bless each other’s lives with our knowledge.

These are all “tools.”

They can be used for good or evil. 

Let us choose to be good stewards of our bodies and help others be good stewards of theirs.  Not perfect, but trying.

I hope you found something through these posts that has helped you, answered a question you may have had, or given you some direction.

Remember: we learn “line upon line.”  Just start where you are, with one thing and allow the spirit to teach you the next step.  You don’t need to know everything, just YOUR next step. 

Sending love and light on your health journey. 

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