Overcoming Adversity

Adversity is part of the experience of mortal life…

We search for peace, direction, comfort, consistency and certainty in our lives…

And the Lord gives us an abundance of blessings (take time to notice this each day).

Yet, we live in trying times; politically, economically, socially and spiritually.

What is the best decision for my health?

Where do I put my money for the best return?

How can I build positive relationships in a polarized world?

What’s the best course for my children’s education?

These questions, and so many more, surround us everyday…

The scriptures teach there will be “opposition in all things” (2 N. 2:11)

The adversity we face is part of the learning we receive from this experience on earth.

This month, I want to discuss why adversity is part of the plan, where we can get help, the role our thoughts and emotions play, and how to use adversity for our GOOD!

Something that will help us tremendously as we face adversity…

Is to keep an eternal perspective in mind.

Have you ever tried to put a puzzle together WITHOUT knowing what the puzzle was supposed to look like in the end?

With a grand view before hand, it helps you understand where the green or blue pieces might go in the puzzle.  It gives you a direction to start, and assurance you are headed in the right direction.

The Lord prepared us for this time on earth by sharing the plan of happiness with us…

So we would understand the purpose and reason for all we would face in this life.

This greater understanding helps us accept and grow through difficult times, make decisions that will help us in this life and in the life to come, and center our thoughts and actions on our divine potential.

Sometimes our challenges in life cause us to look at only one or two pieces of the puzzle with frustration and anger, because we simply cannot see where they fit in the puzzle.

We do not realize that some other pieces of the puzzle may need to fall into place before those pieces will fit.  We become frustrated and walk away for a time.

But when we are reminded of the whole picture, we can take a deep breath and know that there is a place for these pieces and they will fit into the puzzle at just the right place and time.

It is helpful to remember that our adversities are part of the eternal plan. 

Though they seem to be the cause of so much frustration, uncertainty, and worry…

They are there to help us learn how to become more like Christ.

So hold on! 

–If you would like help navigating through your struggles, please message me.  Having a friend through this process is SOOO helpful!  I’d love to help!

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