Preparing for Miracles

In the Middle

Through all this experimenting and practicing I found myself on my knees, praying to Heavenly Father a lot!

And my prayers looked like this…

I think this is a good thing, I may not need it, but I’d like it, is that okay?

I’ve been believing, declaring, visualizing, and trying to emotionalize all this, but I just don’t have it in me today.  I’m frustrated and resentful, can you help me?

I’m not sure if that was an inspired action I heard there, can you help me be more confident that it was?

That inspiration is going to take me way out of my comfort zone, can you give me the extra courage or enthusiasm to do it?

This is taking much longer than I’d like, can you help me have patience, so I don’t get discouraged?

I know this works, why doesn’t it seem to be working now?  Can I have a little sign that the process is working, to help strengthen the faith I have even though it’s not perfect?

I share this, because manifesting has fantastic results and is so rewarding when it comes into your physical space; what a celebration!

But most of the time, is spent ‘in the middle…’

There is time spent in the dreaming it up and playing with the ideas.

And time spent in the managing of the thoughts and emotions (especially during the negative emotional parts).

And time for the pleading on your knees for strength.

And time in the ‘holding on’ right before the miracle happens!

So, I’m not going to tell you it’s so great and fabulous all the time, and forget to tell you it takes effort.

Instead, I’ll tell you how great and fabulous it is and then share with you the tools that’ll help you get through the rough times, and share the patterns you’ll likely encounter along the way so you can recognize where you are and find hope in it.

My new goal is to see each step in our manifesting journey as fun and exciting, no matter what part of ‘the middle’ it’s part of.

Use these tools I’ve shared in my posts in this book, over and over again.  Whatever you need when you need it.

Invite Christ into this journey every day, even every moment, as much as you need.  He will teach you and help you!


Preparing for the Miracle

As I’ve taken the challenge from Pres. Nelson to “seek and expect miracles…”

I’ve seen how the process of manifestation and how to expect miracles looks very similar.

During the 40 years, the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness, the Lord was working on getting Egypt out of them; the idles out of their thoughts, the victim thinking from their enslaved hearts, and helping them practice trusting Him more.

As Joshua prepared His people to cross the river Jordan consider these verses and my interpretation, which forms a pattern we can all learn from…

Joshua 3:2, “rose early in the morning” – spiritually prepared

Joshua 3:3, “go after it” – be brave and daring

Joshua 3:4, “you have not passed this way before” – let God lead you

Joshua 3:5, “sanctify yourself” –be clean and holy, hold on to good behaviors and patterns of living that have been working for the many other miracles you’ve witnessed.
Joshua 3:5, “expect wonders” – dare to believe it

Joshua 3:7, “begin to magnify thee” –enlarge your ability to receive, increase your willingness

Joshua 3:8, “standstill” –watch the miracle unfold

Joshua 3:10, “without fail” –strengthen your faith and confidence in the Lord

Joshua 3:15, “feet…dipped in…the water” – step into the faith you already have

Joshua 3:13, “send it” –step into the miracle/manifestation, receive it

Joshua 3:17, “stand on firm ground” –hold your faith and hope (and they witnessed two miracles here: the waters raised AND it was dry ground -evidence that the Lord wants to bless us with more than what we ask for if we hold our faith)

Joshua 4: 3, 6, 9-10, “Remember!” –create a visual reminder to help you remember, so when you are looking for your next miracle, you will remember!

Consider here that the children of Israel did many things to prepare for this miracle, and most of it was managing their faith, belief, and hope…

While the Lord did the unbelievable parts!

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