She’s Your Problem Now!

I’ve always been a journal-er (AKA writer).

After I got married, I stopped journaling – thinking my dear husband loved me so much he would LOVE to hear about all my thoughts and emotions.  LOL 

A few months later, he pulled my dad aside and asked, “How do you get her to stop talking so I can go to sleep?” 

My dad, laughed and lovingly replied, “I don’t know, but she’s your problem now.” 

Yes, I like to talk… especially at night.

My husband goes to work really early in the morning.  Late night talks and early mornings are not a good mix.

But I needed to talk and I needed someone to listen to me.  Inevitably he’d fall asleep and of course that frustrated me – did he not care?

One frustrating evening the spirit abruptly said, “He can’t fix you and he doesn’t know what to do, he doesn’t understand.  STOP talking to the wrong person about your confused thoughts and feelings.” 

In that moment I was reminded of my teen years when I had written I my journal (and talked with my Heavenly Father in doing so) and how much it had helped me work through my thoughts and feelings.

I repented – and began writing again…

My husband now gets lots of rest and loves that I can work things out with my Heavenly Father and my paper.  And he loves to hear what I have learned.

I found the peace, calm, and joy I had been missing.  I became a calmer mother, I stopped over reacting to things, I was able to think better, and manage my emotions in healthy ways.  Everyone is happier!

Over the years I have learned many ways journaling can help us be happier and live more fulfilling lives of joy.

This month I am going to share them with you.

Command Your Brain:

The act of journaling/writing taps into your subconscious mind. 

That is the part of your brain that runs behind the scenes…it tells you to breath and keeps your heart beating. 

It holds all the beliefs, perceptions, and patterns you’ve picked up through the experiences of your life. 

Writing things down, COMMANDS YOUR BRAIN to …

– find old programs and faulty thinking patterns, so you can then take steps to reprogram your brain into healthier, happier thought patterns.

– set goals, and notice the resources and opportunities that will help you accomplish that goal.   

– see the good around you and look for more good, resulting in a happier life.

It’s a pretty miraculous process and it’s been proven to work in so many different areas. 

Heart and Mind Connection:

Do you ever feel like an emotional roller coaster?

Do you ever think things don’t make any sense and feel confuse, frustrated or overwhelmed by it?

Do you ever struggle to interpret your thoughts and your feelings?

Writing things down is the KEY!

Let me explain…

The midpoint between your mind and your heart (thoughts/feelings) is your throat…

The place where you EXPRESS yourself.

To either side of your throat is your arm and hand…what you use to write, or type, or text.

When you write, it is an extension of your EXPRESSION.

When you are confused over something, it is because you aren’t sure what your thoughts and opinions are.

When you are angry, it’s because you don’t like what is happening.

When you are overwhelmed, it’s because you don’t have a clear opinion or direction.

Writing helps interpret what you are experiencing!

It helps you SEE what’s going on in your thoughts and your feelings.

Then you can look at your experience decide if you want to keep thinking that thought, or feeling that way.  If yes, great!  If no, you have the opportunity to choose something else.

Writing helps connect, and interpret, these two forms of communication (heart and mind) to bring understanding to your world.

That is truly a gift!

–In the next three blog posts I’ll share how you can use journaling to “Learn from Your Past,” “Live in the Present,” and “Create Your Future.”

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