The Best Gift You Can Give Your Kids

Being a mom means you get to feel all kinds of emotions, some we love, some we hate; and let’s be honest, we avoid completely.

One of the best things I ever learned to do, for my sake and my kids, was…

Learn how to ALLOW EMOTIONS!!


A mom who can manage her emotions in safe and healthy ways is the best mom! (my opinion-I might be biased).


Because, when you are happy they love to be around you (of course).

But when you are grumpy, frustrated, overwhelmed, resentful (and manage that in a healthy way); they TRUST you to not take it out on them.  This BUILDS UNDERSTANDING and trust in the relationship.  Yes, they might steer clear while you work on managing those emotions, but they are not afraid of you for it.

And they see YOUR EXAMPLE of managing strong and difficult emotions, in safe and healthy ways – they watch and learn.  Your example teaches them, and they are so grateful, because they are now more emotionally resilient kids, teens, adults.

It also gives them permission to “feel” whatever they feel, and know it’s safe and okay to do that. 

What a gift!

–For tips and examples of “safe and healthy ways to manage emotions” join “Women Creating Zion Homes” FB page and look to October 2020 posts.  If you’d like more personalized help learning to do this, I’ve got you!  This is my specialty and I can help you find what works best for YOU!  Message me and we’ll do a FREE 30 minute coaching session.

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